In all my years as working on HGVs, here and the Arabian peninsular, I have never heard of anthing other than using diesel fuel oil, (except maybe red diesel) to prime the system.
It's not a question of how much fuel the pump is delivering, it's more the fact of viscosity of the engine oil going through the filter, fuel lines, pump and injectors.
Engine oil is too thick, especially to spray through the injector nozzles. And what about of non injected engine oil to the tank. This would mean that your tank would be contaminated with engine oil, diluted yes, but you would be blowing smoke for a while.. and I would be wanting to change the filter again, after being contaminated with engine oil. Not to mention being sacked, for incompetence.
Engine oil may very well work, but I would never take the risk of trying this out on my engine, or other, to see if it did. I'll take your word for it that it does !