Ok, I said I would update on the filling the diesel filter with engine oil, so here it is.
So did it blow or did it go.?
Having asked about what exactly was used in the commercial lorry and heavy plant garage I have been informed it was hydraulic oil, and have also been told of using standard vegetable oil.
I had some old 15w40 knocking around so used that and would agree this is probably a bit thick but have only used 5W40 previously.
Anyway back to the filter change.
Removed old filter to find the centre seal was damaged. This wasn't in itself causing a problem but the new filter is of different construction having a steel support ring instead of plastic.
Changed the filter and filled the new one with engine oil to prime it and turned the key.
Due to the fuel running back down towards the tank when the old filter was disconnected the car started then stopped as the air was drawn in.
Kept turning the key for a few turns until the engine fired up.
There was no smoke on startup as the oil ignites well. This pic shows the exhaust with engine running about 30 seconds after start-up. The spots on the floor are condensation.
There was less smoke on start-up than when running on Bio-diesel.
Because I was interested I decided to take the filter apart to see the state of the filter paper and whether oil would pass through Ok.
The filter was black, not sure of the colour of the new paper as you can't see it inside the cannister normally, although I'm sure this is due to the cleansing effect the bio-diesel has on the fuel system. There were no particles or dirt on the filter paper.
I filled the cartridge with oil and watched it drain. Initially the oil flowed readily through the paper then as the level dropped it ran slower.
You can see the oil dripping in this pic. the shiney parts are oil passing throught he filter paper.
A standard oil filter is about 25 microns due to being a full flow, volume filter so has to create no restriction. A diesel filter is about 8-10 microns to clean further and because the flow rate is less. A bypass filter can be down to 1 micron.
Engine oil will pass through a bypass filter so will definitely pass through a diesel filter, especially as the lift pump generates 25psi to push it through.
Thought you might like to know the outcome.