He is British not Russian. I dont cut anyones knees, DaimlerChrysler cuts kness and FACT, they are the interested parties, not me. Many people have reported him as many people bought from him and they were disappointed. Be reassured that he is not stopped not because of my actions but because of unhappy customers and because they have contacted DaimlerChrysler who is the VERO owner. Selling illegal software in the UK is a criminal offence. Especially when you ask this kind of money becomes 2 times worse as you you don't just ask a small tip for appreciation of the time spent, but clearly you defraud the buyers and ripp them off to become rich. This is my only concern, the MB enthusiasts, I dont want them to be robbed. I hve nothing personal with anyone and it would be unfair someone to accuse me that it is something personal, I have more inportant thing to spend my precious time. You can read more about copyright theft here: