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EDC light coming on


New Member
Jul 24, 2006
I have had my C220d since february- every 500-1000 miles the engine starts to stutter a little, then the EDC light comes on and the 'stuttering' gets so bad you cant really drive- engine cutting in and out a few times a second. If i pull over, stop the engine and restart the problem goes away for a long period before coming back. What could be causing this? I'm not sure if the car is underpowered at the moment- i have nothing to compare it to, but it does seem slugglish the rest of the time.

Advice would be much appreciated
The EDC system is pretty simple on these cars. Imagine a mechanical pump but remove the governor and fuelling linkages and replace them with sensor coils and a solenoid motor.
The ECU applies more current to the solenoid which pushes harder on the rack so supplies more fuel. There are two electrical coils as sensors, with inductive rings making hte sensor actuators. One is fixed to teh rack so moves depending on rack position and one is fixed as a control.

The problem could be as simple as a breaking wire or bad connection, alternatively it could be leaking fuel pipes causing fuel starvation.
i`ve got the same problem ... but at the service they told me is the vacum pump which doesn`t do its job when i turn off the engine so ... they told me to turn off the engine in the 5th gear with the break pushed hard and to release the clutch pedal.

it is weird ... i dunno what is happening because i can`t get more that 100km/h @ 3000 rpm with my car since this EDC light turned on ... it is annoying ... they told me to change the injection pump ... but it costs well above 1000E ...too much ... :((

i`m gonna check for fuel lechage and the wires maybe .... maybe i`m lucky and it ain`t the pump ...

loool ... 2003 last post ... :D oh well ... damn edc light
Pull the black plastic cover from the top of engine, if you can see somthing that looks like coal around the injectors the copper injector seat washers are leaking.
Llff1000 did you manage to get your issue solved?
I have the same problem...

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