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Engine not turning over????


Active Member
Jan 30, 2006
01' Designo SL320 , 96' C36 AMG, 98' C43 AMG Estate 19' Focus & 96' ZX6R Ninja
Hi ,
I have recently bought a 01 SL320, driving down the road from work the car was stuck in one gear so i pulled over and turned off engine.... went to restart and the car wouldnt turn over nothing coming from the engine at all???

AA guy checked battery and is 12 volts all lights and windows work fine just nothing when i turn the key...... had to have it towed home

Any Suggestions to what it might be and how to resolve it your help will be greatly appreciated????????

Thanks in advanced


There is an inhibitor switch to stop the car starting if its not in Park,or neutral.(assume its an auto) You need to find out if its a selector fault (have seen sunglasses,lighters etc jammed down inside the centre console) or if its an actual mechanical gearbox fault
Houston we have a problem...

The car was stuck in gear because of a malfunction. It sounds like either the immobiliser isn't recognising the key, the CAN bus has gone down or the gearbox immobiliser isn't recognising "P" or "N" selection.

Try wiggling the gear stick and even disconnecting the battery for a while. Otherwise it's dealer here I come.
I really need to get with the times...I guess it'll be all electronic tiptronic,multifunction,warning lamps the lot....

I miss the old days..,and I'm only 31!
If you have the tiptronic box, there is a facility to allow to move the selector lever while the key is in the off position. Just behind the selector lever shutter blind (which you can manually slide forward) is a receptacle to allow you to insert a small lever which allow you to bypass the selector locking mechanism. Mechanics use this to move the selector out of Park when moving the car with the ignition off.
Guys thanks for that, i have got some sggesstions of another forum along with this one and will keep you posted on outcome, although the car started this morning but after 3-4 times of the engine being started has locked again in gear and wont start...

I have been advised that it may be a faulty ignition swithc and is common fault for 01 model car....

thanks again

All Sorted!!!!!

:bannana: Guys thatnks for all your help had a mercedes STAR computer hooked up to the SL this morning and guess what.... was a low charge in battery was only holding 355 amps on a 760 amp battery.
the clever star pc found the faults(all 28K worth) which were all linked to the battery.... and the aa man said battery was fine..... merc man also checked battery on seperate handheld device which showed that battery was at fault.....
Moral of story dont trust the aa when diagnosing a problem!!!!
cost me £60 for new battery and £30 to merc man all sorted..

Thanks guys for your help....

Hey, nice fix rajinder.

At least your money hasn't been in vein, the battery was obviously on it's last legs.
Still Broken

Hi Guys,
Car is back doing same tricks.... went into limp mode and didnt start for 2 days, but is driving fine now, but i dare not move it just incase..... any suggestions welcome..

Its not the battery Parrot, its something else which is causing the car into limp mode then stops it from starting, a few people have suggested the ignition switch aswell as my mechaninc who will hopefully replace this today.

I have had many suggestions from battery to allternator

will keep you all posted

Ive got a SL280 98> model, expiencing similar problems i have to keep turning the key and after a few attempts it starts. Its the same model run from 98-01 so the cause could be the same. When i turn the key to start the car none of the lights on the dash come on execpt the srs light, after a few attepts trying different things the car starts, try pressing in the brake pedel and also try starting it in N.

Updtae the thread if you manage to solve it.

aka$h said:
Ive got a SL280 98> model, expiencing similar problems i have to keep turning the key and after a few attempts it starts. Its the same model run from 98-01 so the cause could be the same. When i turn the key to start the car none of the lights on the dash come on execpt the srs light, after a few attepts trying different things the car starts, try pressing in the brake pedel and also try starting it in N.

Updtae the thread if you manage to solve it.


Your prob sounds like the ignition barrel.

Rajinder, you need to put the car on diagnostics and read of the fault codes. I was 99% convinced that the battery wouldn't solve the probs! All you did buy changing the battery is reset the fault codes. When it malfunctions again you end up with the same prob.
Hey guys, i needed new battery as old was was original, the car has been on STAR diagnostics got the faults but they were mostly linked to the battery being low.
I have had teh ignition switch replaced, but the main problem now is that the car is showing CAN Communication faults on the Electronic Transmission Control (ETC) so i am waiting for mechanic to find where all the links are to search through them...

It may be your ignition switch causing problem i have seen alot of threads about this get it tested to see what voltage is going through it.... Damn cars!!!!!!!
I have changed the ignition switch and it ran fine for one week, now it is playing up again, went to start this morning and nothing!!!! all dash lights come on but no engine sound at all......

any suggestioins????????
rajinder_1 said:
I have changed the ignition switch and it ran fine for one week, now it is playing up again, went to start this morning and nothing!!!! all dash lights come on but no engine sound at all......

any suggestioins????????

Could be anything from a dodgy connection on the starter to an ECU malfunction!

What are the fault codes on MB diagnostics?
Hey Nav,
The codes were as follows
CAN 132
CAN 133
CAN 135
CAN 136
I think that the majority of these were because of dead battery, and seems to be the can faults showing on there now????
there is definately some thing dodgey with the electrics just to find where is the problem...

Have you had one done after the battery was changed?
yes, was showing the can faults nav. i havent got papers with me, but im pretty sure was just the can communication faults 132 133 134 and 135.
what a nightmare had to get lift to work this morning!!!!
I've heard that the later model Mercs don't take after market batteries so well. Nothing besides genuine would do, not even Bosch. I've heard it has something to do with the volts and amps compatibility. I own a W126 that has had many after market batteries but in my E220CDI, I had one replaced with a genuine one (costed my an arm and a leg) since I didn't wanted to take any chances with electronics.

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