I have been driving the EQC for about 18 months, I unfortunately do not have the D Auto function but do use the paddles, it has taken me some time to realise the true function of what the regen system does and how you can use that most efficiently. At first I was selecting D-- for all my driving, enjoying the 1 pedal driving that that can deliver, but after reading an article about the braking system I now know that this is inefficient, might have been too obvious, but it's not clearly explained!!
When you brake lightly it does not apply the braking system, it only selects D-, (and D-- for slightly harder brake, a further push is needed to engage the system, remember that an EV does not have engine vacuum to 'power' the brakes), which means that if you drive normally with these selected you are effectively driving with the brakes on, in reality using one motor to charge the other which is not particularly efficient. I now try to actively use the paddles in the way that D Auto does (I think, not having experienced it) selecting D+ for accelerating, D for cruising and the D-'s for braking, doing this actively does return a higher Kw/m. I you cant be bothered using the paddles I do suggest leaving it in the default D, it returns better efficiency overall.
After my initial problems with the car I now just enjoy the wonder of it, cutting edge comfort and performance only insane AMG ICE models deliver other than top speed, but if you drive over 100mph on our roads on a regular basis you need to have a close look at yourself
, before Mr Plod does.
With home charging and workplace (the solution) charging combined with my mileage needs the car is perfect, just trying to work out how I could justify buying the new EQS next, but that would mean doing the lottery again