Yes, I received the same Email today and came to the same conclusion as you.Received updated Mercedes t&c via email today. I thought at first New Features provided a means of attacking the camera problem until I read through and found you can’t provide feedback on ‘safety’ features. Why not? and they have already stated camera calibration is a safety function.
Copy -
New In-Car App.
With the Feedback App,
customers can now give
their feedback on
selected apps & services
via the MBUX
infotainment system
directly from their
vehicle. There is an
option for taking part in
Mercedes-Benz surveys.
The Feedback service
allows you to provide
feedback on various
vehicle and software
functions. It is also
possible to take part in
surveys to which you will
be invited via
notification. Please note
that we only process
feedback that is not
safety-relevant. For
safety-relevant feedback,
please only contact the
service hotline.