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High Bmi ? Fat ? Overweight ? Beer belly ? On meds ?

The best remedy for type2 diabetes and pre-diabetes is losing weight. That's it. Anything else is second order at best. So if fasting helps you lose weight and keep it off, then great, use fasting. But if there are other more sustainable ways that an individual can actually stick with to lose weight, do those.
Basically, you need to work out what you can sustainably stick to in order to drop the blubber. When I last looked at this, around 6 months ago, fasting doesn't have some magic benefit in and of itself, but it can be a useful tool in the toolbox and I'd recommend thinking about it (in consultation with medical advice of course, caveat caveat etc etc).

Plus, generally healthy diet, and avoid ultra processed foods!

Check out Gill from Nutrition Made Simple on youtube who spends an indepth episode on all sorts of health topics, and basically runs through a review of all the peer reviewed research on the topic and gives a very impartial, science-based view.

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Edit: just watched the last vid in this series from 2 months ago and a recent 5:2 intermittent fasting with only 500 calories on the '2' days. Upshot: the significant calorie reduction helped people to lose weight, and their diabetes improvement was much better than on medication. Takeaway: make lifestyle changes before taking medication. Otherwise, same summary as I gave at the start of this post.
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I haven’t trained properly since June last year and I’ve got the gut to prove it.
I managed to do the London 100 in May and a sprint triathlon last month but I struggled.

I need to get back on the bike and into the gym before I totally lose the urge.
My missus is Type 2 and has been on a NHS funded diet for select patients for the last 8 weeks. She has lost almost 3 stones and feels so much fitter at around 10st. All medication stopped and the possibility of reversing Type 2. It had to be tried.
Not sure I could manage a 3 month course of just a bowl of soup, a bowl of porridge and 2 shakes a day. Tea and coffee is OK but absolutely nothing else.
After 3 months, one normal meal a day is introduced, then after a further 4 weeks a second meal. Hopefully, by Xmas back to normal food and the soup and shakes are history. She just needs to be very sensible with her calorie intake.
I admire her willpower to do this never having to have dieted in my life.
My missus is Type 2 and has been on a NHS funded diet for select patients for the last 8 weeks. She has lost almost 3 stones and feels so much fitter at around 10st. All medication stopped and the possibility of reversing Type 2. It had to be tried.
Not sure I could manage a 3 month course of just a bowl of soup, a bowl of porridge and 2 shakes a day. Tea and coffee is OK but absolutely nothing else.
After 3 months, one normal meal a day is introduced, then after a further 4 weeks a second meal. Hopefully, by Xmas back to normal food and the soup and shakes are history. She just needs to be very sensible with her calorie intake.
I admire her willpower to do this never having to have dieted in my life.


Bet she looks wonderful, although I should imagine compliments are a potential minefield 😀

I have absolutely no sympathy for fat blokes but Ladies with all their hormones, it's certainly difficult.
Hormones or not...you still have to eat the food to put on the weight... can't beat physics. I'm not overweight at the moment but I have been by a couple of stone in the past.... just like the bad stuff too much!.....but as I get older it certainly takes more will power to lose it! Looking at the silly portions sizes that are on many of the "what are you eating" thread I expect there are more than a few morbidly obese on this very forum.
It does not take too much extra weight to cause your body problems. Most people would not consider someone who should be, let's say, 10 stone (to keep the maths simple!) but actually is 12 stone to be that much overweight..... but that's 20 % over... so thats 20 percent more load on your heart, all your organs and your joints. You would not want to put 20 percent more load on your car engine than it was designed for....but people seem quite happy to put 50 % and more extra load on their bodies. I often look at really big folks and wonder why they do that to themselves. All this body positive bs on programs and adverts helps no one. Sure don't be embarrassed if you are fat..... but its certainly not good for you and certainly should not be encouraged.
I easily drink three or four pints of water a day and a few coffees on top of that.
I always have a good breakfast and so far so good.

Not eating until late has caused problems for two of my good friends, oesophagus cancer in both, digestive system having nothing to get to work on and finding work else where apparently.

Everything in moderation imho, except Rum.🏴‍☠️😳
I easily drink three or four pints of water a day and a few coffees on top of that.
I always have a good breakfast and so far so good.

Not eating until late has caused problems for two of my good friends, oesophagus cancer in both, digestive system having nothing to get to work on and finding work else where apparently.

Everything in moderation imho, except Rum.🏴‍☠️😳
Did ten doctors say eating late was the cause for both, or just an observation that both tended to eat late?
Did ten doctors say eating late was the cause for both, or just an observation that both tended to eat late?
What about permanent night shift workers who do bodybuilding. Overweight by BMI and eat every night . Fit as fiddles??
ha ha, I thought you were demanding a very high level of confidence there BD.

'if 9 or fewer Doctors haven't all reached the same diagnosis, I won't believe it. It has to be 10 concurring Doctors!' 😄
😀 I have very high standards 😀
Did ten doctors say eating late was the cause for both, or just an observation that both tended to eat late?
One guy never ate anything until atleast 3pm, but was up and out by 8am. He was fit, a window and conservatory fitter, didn’t smoke and drank sensibly.. His doc, so he said, did say that this could well be the cause, his own digestive system eating away at him.. the other guy similar..

Me, have always eaten breakfast to ward orf seasickness and the habit has stuck.
One guy never ate anything until atleast 3pm, but was up and out by 8am. He was fit, a window and conservatory fitter, didn’t smoke and drank sensibly.. His doc, so he said, did say that this could well be the cause, his own digestive system eating away at him.. the other guy similar..

Me, have always eaten breakfast to ward orf seasickness and the habit has stuck.
It didn’t seem appropriate to like your post, but thank you for replying 👍🏻
One guy never ate anything until atleast 3pm, but was up and out by 8am. He was fit, a window and conservatory fitter, didn’t smoke and drank sensibly.. His doc, so he said, did say that this could well be the cause, his own digestive system eating away at him.. the other guy similar..

Me, have always eaten breakfast to ward orf seasickness and the habit has stuck.
Cancer cells adore sugar maybe they had a sweet tooth ....

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No, there is no evidence that eating sugar causes cancer. However, a diet high in sugar can contribute to weight gain, which is a risk factor for cancer.
Cancer cells adore sugar maybe they had a sweet tooth ....

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Nope, savoury like me. Quite aware of the likley perils of too much sugar.
I think it helps to look after yourself, but I have know heavy smokers, heavy drinkers and “fities” to live long, not necessarily healthy lives and others “ to pop their clogs” in mid forties.. when your number is called…
Nope, savoury like me. Quite aware of the likley perils of too much sugar.
I think it helps to look after yourself, but I have know heavy smokers, heavy drinkers and “fities” to live long, not necessarily healthy lives and others “ to pop their clogs” in mid forties.. when your number is called…
Very true my uncle drank and smoked heavily all his lfe and he is still pretty fresh at 85!
He's just very lucky........on average smokers live about 10 years less than non smokers.
Nope, savoury like me. Quite aware of the likley perils of too much sugar.
I think it helps to look after yourself, but I have know heavy smokers, heavy drinkers and “fities” to live long, not necessarily healthy lives and others “ to pop their clogs” in mid forties.. when your number is called…

Exactly. Luck or not so luck of the draw.
To a degree.....but whether you are in the shallow or deep end of the gene pool you will almost certainly live longer than you would have otherwise by not smoking or drinking to excess and by eating less and exercising more.

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