Have you now read the scientific studies to which I have referred? Have you interpreted their results and reached a different result to that reached by the scientists who conducted them?
If not, then may I suggest that you are voicing opinions and not facts when you state that using all the lanes will "cause huge delays".
I don't need to because i have seen it at first hand how it does not work. Driving past stationary traffic waiting to go through road works where there are too many vehicles to flow at the rate a 3 lane road can carry to a one lane.
I suppose my experince will come into question, but having covered 104k miles a year for 5 years i have come across many traffic jams.
The ones where everyone queued on the lanes going through the road works flowed far better, a slow speed, approaching the closed lane, of 10-20 can be maintained and progress is being made.
In the incidences where the lane being closed was used it is stop start and this is where there are more chances of having an accident. Now none of want to be involved in an accident, but when folk are in these situations they switch of as such and bang a cars pulled in front of them, they brake and the car behind hits them. Seen it a few times.
***, grow up. it's not about not passing a car doing 50mph on free flowing roads. It's about passing cars that are in a queue to go through the road works. The rason why the cars you are overtaking that are 200 to 400 yards from the neck of the road works are going so slow is there is traffic in front of them stopping them going any faster. By overtaking these you put yourself in the bracket of 'w****r' in may folks eyes.
I had someone try this to me not long ago. As he approched the cones he tried to force his way in. We all refused and he then indicated to me to pull over onto the hard shoulder? I just gave him the bird. He was not happy at all. You put yourself into the bracket. I was in an old BMW which i didn't care about. He tried to swerve into me to make me give way, but stood my ground. He ended up 4 cars behind me. So he tried it on with about 8 cars. That to me is more factual that it does not work.
It's not a case of being unhappy. It's a case of being polite and courteous, which many of you have proven you are not. You slag Range Rover drivers and BMW's but your just as bad. The Mercedes Driver is the new BMW driver. I am not catagorising every Mercedes owner.
The highway code is a guide and not a rule. If you want to just follow what it states then you are guilty of not improving your driving ability and awareness and infact the sheep someone earlier mentioned.
MSM is something you need to complete when you take your test. You don't necessarily need to signal everytime you change direction or lane. It is an intention and not a right! I bet many just put the indicator on thinking hey everyone else will see it and know what i am doing. This proves a complete lack of vision, which makes up a huge part of driving.