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How many police does it take to work a camera ??


Active Member
Jun 20, 2003
c250 td 1998
No this isnt a joke ! Travelling into Bristol yesterday and i noticed a mobile camera van up ahead, which in itself it getting normal. but parked in front of the van were two police cars, which i thought was a bit excessive. another 50 yrds down the road were two police motorcycles with riders eating what can only be described as "coffee and doughnuts" and then another 50 yrds down was a final police car. Surely the van and one car or bike to stop you would be sufficient !!
Just a thought - are you sure that wasn't a ANPR van? The police put one of these in Frodsham every couple of months and there are about 6 police vehicles located in the immediate vicinity. :thumbsup: (except when my tax ran out for a couple of days ;) ).
Flip said:
Sounds like ANPR (They are out catching burglars...!).


Good system for catching the bad guys!


Could be right! I remember having an argument with a local about who had the worst car crime figures in England: Manchester (where I live) or Liverpool (where I come from). I won: Manchester's car crime is much higher than Liverpool (he tried to argue that it was because I'm a scouser and live here!) :rolleyes:

Anyway, neither city was the worst in England - that dubious honour goes to Bristol which is perhaps why there's so many bizzies* about, pepe!! :eek:

* A "bizzie" is a scouse local, parochial colloquialism for policeman; in Manchester they are known as "the Dibble" :D

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