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How/when did you meet your better half?

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I met my wife at my sister's engagement party when my sister was getting engaged to my wife to be's brother.... phewwwww

Nowt wrong with incest as long as you keep it in the family :)

The really nice thing is that my sister has been very happily married for 53 years and My wife and I have been very happily married for 51yrs :) Obviously we were all extremely lucky :)
1st saw her when the school bus was dropping her brother off at our all boys school;
The Saint Birinus Academy for the Sons of Gentlefolk.

1st date;
Fixed up by me writing a short note, gave it to my sister, who went to the girls grammer shool, where she gave it to SWMBO sister, who went to the same school, who gave it to SWMBO, who went to the girls SM school, when they met on the school bus, on the way home.

With me so far?

The date was at the local Baptist Church youth club; 08/09/68
I was the boss and she was my secretary. However over the ensuing 35 years those rolls appear to have become reversed
Please tell me the school name is true. Love it!

Sorry Steve (&/or Sue)
That was our family name for the school, so much more gravitas than St Birinus Boys school.
I also remember the school mottos for both my junior and senior schools;

Manners maketh man
In quietness and confidence shall be our strength

St Birinus head master (known as Louis), didn't walk down the school corridors, he floated and piles of heaving, shouting boys, morphed into 2 lines of well behaved boys, without a word being uttered.
On a dating app, though my intentions were probably different to the majority, I was running a social experiment (I was respectful and up front about it, but not looking to commit to anyone anytime soon)...then along came the wife to be, I was like hey let's skip the small talk and just meet up...she was like no you may be a freak...and so I was like fine, I'm not asking this girl out for a date, but instead will continue talking to the point she asks me...

Fast forward a 5 hour conversation (not sure how that happened) she asked me out on a date that night for the following day...😏

Being someone who refuses to commit quickly, somehow I got engaged to her after 2 or 3 dates, and married within 4 months. A baby within 15 months from first meeting...

In contrast I've been in relationships which have failed because I didn't want kids with that person, or after years we've not progressed much beyond bf/gf...so was totally bonkers by most people's standards though I happily type this message laid in bed with the Mrs and little one 😳

Our biggest challenge was when she suggested I trade in the ML63 for a BMW 520D (as it's more economical, and I will drive slower), hell broke loose that day, the ML is still here, so is the wife, so I guess I had my cake and ate it too...

Mind = blown.
Before the days of internet dating and what have you, I met my wife the old fashioned way, down the pub. Nearly 30 years ago now, she was married to someone else and I’d just split up with my fiancée but we hit it off straight away. Anyway, we stayed friends, finally got together 10 years after that and married 11 years ago, so it must have been meant to be.


Went to primary school together, we were in the same class at school. I do remember her, in fact we lived only 500 yards away from each other, but kids of that age don't really have much to do with the opposite sex. 35 years later we started chatting on Facebook, she was working as an English teacher in Italy, long story short, we've been married 5 years.
Went to primary school together, we were in the same class at school. I do remember her, in fact we lived only 500 yards away from each other, but kids of that age don't really have much to do with the opposite sex. 35 years later we started chatting on Facebook, she was working as an English teacher in Italy, long story short, we've been married 5 years.
Fab story. Thanks for sharing. 👍
she was working as an English teacher.

I had a date with an English teacher.

We were both blind drunk and soemhow ended up making love doggy style.

The next morning, she dumped me for improper use of the colon.
I had a date with an English teacher.

We were both blind drunk and soemhow ended up making love doggy style.

The next morning, she dumped me for improper use of the colon.
Nah, it was probably your spelling.

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