am afraid you would need to send me an email address, it is an excel spread sheet that would be an attachment.
It would give you something to work with, though as I say i am not a computer expert, it is just somethine I made.
I have also logged every fuel bought for my 320cdi since 2007 and appear to get about 34mpg,which considerign the wifes regular journey is less than 4 miles and when i drive it aint slow i do not consider bad.
not sure on the etiquette of private emails but I have no worries, [email protected]
Assuming both cars were exactly the same price and insurance and tax is the same then savings yes...
However many people seem to ignor the fact that swapping a petrol car then adding thousands of pounds to it to buy a diesel to get more mpg is in fact saving,...... erm nope
I agree though seeing 50mpg and a huge range is great
I've probably focused on the wrong point here, I love the car already for all kinds of reasons, the mpg is just the sugar on top. I'm on the mobile app at the min as I'm not at home, I'll email you at the weekend ss8