Sound sthe problems Ive had, I spoke to you recently regarding the inlet cam on a 98 C180. I did a head skim new MB gasket, reground all the valves after on cylinder was showing 50% compression loss, really bad misfire.
When the car came to me it could just about tickover but any selection of gears would stall the engine.
Anyway did the head skim, did the valves, put all back together and whilst trying to sort out the misfire it snapped the inlet camshaft, luckily at tickover.
did a compression test once new cam fiited and all cylinders good so no bent valves.
Replaced one faulty coil pack but found both to be cracked, anyway misfire gone, the C180 fires up and ticks over lovely. apply any throttle and the engine feels like its chocking. Drives well without harsh throttle but apply more throttle and it chokes.
Any ideas please before I drive it into a tree Jeremy Clarkson style.