Another use for these that I can think of :
A friend lives in a council house and has , on occasion , been told to remove untaxed cars he has ( otherwise legally ) parked up his drive ( there apparently is a council term in his rental agreement that any vehicles on the property , albeit off the highway , must be road legal ) and 'snoopers' seem to go around checking on this , as well as tidiness of gardens and suchlike , then issuing letters for any perceived contraventions . We are not talking about wrecks here ( surely the purpose of such regulation ) but perfectly respectable and functional cars such as many of us have and use in turn , or during different seasons .
Putting a cover over the whole car ought to be enough , since technically they aren't supposed to lift them , but in these days of tax discs being abolished , having the number plates covered would also make it more difficult for the snoopers to do the dirty .
A friend lives in a council house and has , on occasion , been told to remove untaxed cars he has ( otherwise legally ) parked up his drive ( there apparently is a council term in his rental agreement that any vehicles on the property , albeit off the highway , must be road legal ) and 'snoopers' seem to go around checking on this , as well as tidiness of gardens and suchlike , then issuing letters for any perceived contraventions . We are not talking about wrecks here ( surely the purpose of such regulation ) but perfectly respectable and functional cars such as many of us have and use in turn , or during different seasons .
Putting a cover over the whole car ought to be enough , since technically they aren't supposed to lift them , but in these days of tax discs being abolished , having the number plates covered would also make it more difficult for the snoopers to do the dirty .