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Just fitted Sprintbooster

I've had an SB fitted for about 6 months..and the big benifit is the kick down response time, and less of that horrible lag when coming of the brakes...(plus I can now crawl without feathering the thottle)..

I floor the gas pedal on my local street turn off.onto the local by-pass.and never succeeded to get the slow down 60mph flashing pain in the butt traffic sign to light up.(its local brag in the pub thing)..but with the sprint booster fitted I can...now ain't that a techy test. So there must be some performance improvement somewhere.

nb..you have to hit the by-pass on-ramp at some rate of knots just to get
a 50% chance of joining it seamlessly.
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But it doesn't. The company's website is full of misinformation in order to imply the product does more than it actually does.

Take him to court then for mis-representation.

There's plenty of people who are left unhappy by rip-off merchants, so it refreshing to see so many people made happy by one ;) . Good luck in court. I'll be a witness for the defence.

The actually rip off is the price of course, it only costs $10 to make, but then again for what you get it is worth it. More fun, no loss in reliability and the insurance companies do not care. So actually it is the most expensive cheap fix ever done. :D

Mercedes should be doing this as standard and not making the throttle response so safe that legal action by the club footed minority does not screw them. Think white socks pulled up to the knees, white sneakers and extra large shorts with a huge silver metal belt saying "We shoot people in Texas" on it and you will get where I am coming from.

But there are still the doubters. I just sold mine to someone on this forum with 2 backups in case he is not satisfied. I have said that he will only have to pay the postage if he is not happy and he should post up here with his unhappy experience. So we shall see.


Take him to court then for mis-representation.

..... Good luck in court. I'll be a witness for the defence.

There is a huge difference between me observing misrepresentation and giving a hoot about it; I merely pointed out the existence of misrepresentation as a couterpoint to the previous post.:confused:
There is a huge difference between me observing misrepresentation and giving a hoot about it; I merely pointed out the existence of misrepresentation as a couterpoint to the previous post.:confused:

Well at least give some quotes and links to back up your argument. He might be over egging the pudding, marketing and sales and all that.



You do have quite a "heavy" right foot though ;) :D
:eek: :eek: :eek: Who me? :eek: :eek:

ace link CMR - sod all to do with an SB tho - just got confused and decided it would be better as a drive through :D
I was thinking of installing Sprintbooster also, then I read this: http://forum.evotechnik.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=12116&d=1200489876

now I'm not so sure

Couldn't be ****d to read all this so please excuse me if i have missed something.. but doesn't he say his car is a manual?

I would have thought that the people who benefitted most from SB were auto-drivers with the lag..?

I'm getting one as soon as I have me new wheels on my w208 :D

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