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Latest map version


MB Enthusiast
Feb 15, 2013
MB W204 , BMW F10, GSXR LZ3
I was wondering if anyone on here could shed some light into this.

My e-class coupe had a service done 5 weeks ago, where I requested map update to command online.
The map version shown is v 8.0


Two days ago I had my c-class estate serviced, and I requested map update as well. It came back with the same map version (as before servicing), and the person I spoke to said that it is quite common that despite the update being applied, the map version stays the same.
It currently shows version v 5.1


What I find very odd, is that the map on the c class is way older than the one it was just installed on my e-class.
I am not sure whether there different map versions for different models, but I am rather suspicious that they simply charged me for the work they haven't done.

Could anyone clarify, what is the latest map version for W204 please.

Thanks in advance.
I have V8.0 (same as your E-Class) in my W204. But I had to take it back to be done after it stayed on 5.1 at the March service. They came up with all sorts of excuses then finally told the truth: it takes a long time so blocks up the service bay for a couple of hours. They only update if very quiet or the customer insists on it!

What you don't say about yours is what specific model of COMAND you have in your C-Class. NTG4 was used up to the introduction of the facelift model in 2011, and I think the latest nav version is 10.0 (disc-based). NTG4.5 is COMAND Online from 2011 with V8.0 available (only downloadable). Whichever you have, it's well out of date and your dealer should have updated it. Saying that it's common to still show as V5.1 sounds like a load of old bull to me.
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You can also check that there are 39 countries listed (as I have on mine and you probably have on your E-Class). If not then your dealer has certainly been trying it on!
Thats what I thought.

I have a service care pack, which I bought whem buying the car.
Do I have to service my car at the dealership I purchased the car pack from, or, can I take my car to any other dealership?
Can I take my car to any other dealership?

If its the Mercedes one you take it to any dealer.

Not doing the update (esp on NTG3.5, NTG4.5, NTG5.0) is out of order. This is because for those systems you need a PIN code for the map which is generated via VeDOK (datacard system), and it will only generate them for free within the 1st 3 years (for factory fitted European comands), so if they don't generate the PIN (which I guess they won't have if they didn't bother to do the map update), you could miss out the latest version for ever if you then go over the 3 years and get left with a very old map.

It does take up a service bay and a battery charger for a couple of hours, but it doesn't take up any diagnosis machines - the data is loaded from DVD , but you can't install it without the correct licence key for the map version and your VIN

Yes, it is official mercedes care plan, and in the meantime I found out what you have just confirmed, any mercedes dealer can do the service.

This is after I specifically requested map update when booking the service, then reminded this to the bloke who collected my car and even made a list with items I wanted thm to look into, and left it on the front seat.

After raising my concers with manager responsible, he fobbed me off saying that the only avaliable update was for the command firmware with nothing present for navigation.

I still have plenty of time left for updates, as the car is only 8 months old.
But what I will be definately taking further, is the incompetence and lies I have experienced.

By the way, name and shame time...it was main dealer in Hertford!!
Before we completely shame a load of dealers, we need to know what the system installed is :-)

There are different maps (and thus version numbers) for
NTG4 in W204/SLS
NTG4 in W207/W212
NTG4.5 in all the new cars except new S class.

The latest map for NTG4.5 is V8.0 "2013". Before that was V7.0 2012/2013,, so V5.1 is way back, not quite sure why an 8 month old car has such an old map, although I have some recall that some of the releases didn't work on the NTG4.5 "Version 2" (the grey screen version that you have) so maybe 5.1 was installed for a long while on those.

Ok, is there a way for me to check what systems do I currently have?
Ntg4 has PCMCIA slot at top
Ntg4.5 has sdcard slot on left and had 'comand online' menu

In the case of Audio 20, ntg4.5 has a navigation button.

Judging from your comment Richard, it seems it is Ntg 4.5


In case this could be a further help in establishing what should be installed, here is the chassis number

Should be version 8 according to Mercedes own navigation disk guide that all parts dept have.
My loan w204 has same system as yours and it has v6.0 (2012). If I have it more than a few days I'll update !
Should be version 8 according to Mercedes own navigation disk guide that all parts dept have.

Is this information available on the merc website? Or is it one of the internal guidelines?

I intend to speak to Merc Uk head office tomorrow.
Firstly, to confirm from the horses mouth what is the latest map version.
Secondly, to log in a complaint against the dealership.

Thanks for your help Richard, much appreciated :)
There is a monthly PDF document released on the 'ODUS' system which all parts departments uses for info (and some others also).

It is called: -

"Overview of navigation CDs & DVDs for Passenger Cars/Vans" and the current one is "Valid from 01.08.2013 to 31.08.2013"

For NTG4.5 Europe, it says: -
Version 2013 (NTG4.5) A1728273059

You can buy that disk (cheaply), and the MB dealers get sent them with their star-diagnosis/etc disks. The parts department will also generate you the licence key (and for cars without the 3 year map update, thats where the cost is...)

My loan w204 has same system as yours and it has v6.0 (2012). If I have it more than a few days I'll update !

PS, my loan car is older than your car as it has the brown colour display and your W204 has the grey coloured display.
I thought I will give you an update since yesterday.

After I managed to get hold of the service manager of the garage which carried out the service, he initially tried to blame it all on miscommunication and misunderstanding.
I explained to him once again that I requested the map update during the booking, I then reminded the person collecting the car plus I left a note on the front seat reminding them once more of all the items I would like them to look into, so there is no way I will accept any misunderstanding as a valid reason.
Then, it was apparently down to the technician who....unfortunately went on holiday as of yesterday morning and couldnt be reached :)

Finally, he said that in order to establish the facts, he would need to have the car back in again, to confirm what was/wasnt done.

As I had an early finish yesterday, and was told it will only take few minutes to check, I decided to waste some more of my time and money and took the car back in.

Sure enough, few minutes later he came back and apologized, confirming what I already knew and was telling him. The map software was not updated and it should have been!

Car is going back in today to carry out the update and to investigate another issue they didnt check (rattling from the dash board).

You can say the case is near enough resolved and closed, but my question is; why did it have to come to this in the first place? How many people have been shafted, completely oblivious that they have paid for the service which was never given or delivered to them??

I think the dealers need to get their act together if they are to retain the customers.

The end :)
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When will the new version for the NTG4 be out as currently running V10 so I'm sure there should be a new on soon
Having gone through the same hoop jumping to get my maps updated I fully empathise with cinek's concerns. I was lucky enough not to have any issues that needed resolving at the car's first service in March, but did note when collecting the car that the box against "Test, update navigation map data" on the Service Sheet hadn't been ticked. When I queried this with the service manager he told me it was because there wasn't an update. I came home and checked on t'Internet that there was at least a V7.0, whilst mine was still V5.1. So back on the phone to the dealer where another service manager apologised and said that the "system" was down when my car was in so they couldn't update. Booked it in for a few days later where yet another service manager gave me the honest reason that they don't like to hog service bays for the update so usually only do them when specifically requested unless they're particularly quiet. The maps were updated to V8.0.

My concern is that if they're not doing this part of the routine service as they should, what other parts are they missing out? We can check whether or not they've updated the maps, not so easy to check everything else. But we shouldn't have to!
That is exactly my concern.

Once you catch them red handed with one issue, you start wonder whether that was the only thing they 'missed'??

I will never have an issue to pay for the work someone has done for me, but tend to get rather upset if it turns out I am paying but not receiving :/
The time has come for my car to have another service and its booked to go in two weeks time, service B0 this time.

What is the latest navigation map version, available to W204?
Also, I believe I have NTG4.5 system.
If your W204 is the MY2012 facelift with the fixed display, rather than rotating display, you indeed have NTG4.5

Latest map is V9 (I checked last week)


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