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Left-foot braking

Well , I know two examiners who are quite happy with it , and indeed one does it himself .

It matters not which foot you use , as long as use of brakes is correct .

A lot of DSA instructors aren’t too hot ; I see lots of them no
I see my earlier post was truncated .

What I had typed is that I see lots of driving school cars teaching learners to trafficate right on the approach to roundabouts when going straight ahead : this is definitely wrong and contrary to what is published in Highway Code , Roadcraft and many other publications .

Driving examiners are trained to a much higher level .
Oh , I was reading up on this a little more .

Another factor I had forgotten about is Unintentional Acceleration Syndrome . This occurs when drivers who never use the left foot to control the speed of the car when manouvering accidentally press the accelerator instead of the brake , then panic and accelerate even harder . This causes countless incidents of varying severity every year , but one frightening statistic is that it causes around 120 fatalities every year - yet entirely avoidable by just learning to use your left foot to control the car while reversing or otherwise manouvering - apparently some rely only on the accelerator to control speed !!!
You're really flogging a dead horse here.😀

If lfb was practical, easier and safer, they'd bring it in for all driver training and exainations.
You're really flogging a dead horse here.😀

If lfb was practical, easier and safer, they'd bring it in for all driver training and exainations.
Reading up on it , it IS the taught technique for auto only in some countries .

USA , where most drive autos is a mess - three states outlaw it and will fail candidates who do it on a test , most allow or encourage it , some require it to pass your test .
Oh , I was reading up on this a little more .

Another factor I had forgotten about is Unintentional Acceleration Syndrome . This occurs when drivers who never use the left foot to control the speed of the car when manouvering accidentally press the accelerator instead of the brake , then panic and accelerate even harder.
Love the fact that a desk jockey got paid to come up with a title like that.

Round my way we give people like that a slightly different name.;)
If anyone is stupid enough to suffer from a stab of the accelerator with the right foot, I doubt very much they will have the wit the stab their left foot on the brake...
Apparently 100% of instances is from right foot only drivers : because they use that foot for the brake as well .

Drivers who use one foot to go and the other to stop NEVER do that .
absence of evidence is not proof.

More gumpf, waffle and piffle from someone who,as a class 1 police driver claimed he was taught that way, then admitted it he learnt it much earlier and was not taught it by the police or any advanced tuition. Then we learn it is not in the advanced manual...then we learn it is a test failure. And it is outlawed in some US states

Time to go for a right foot only drive...
American cars have or used to have 8" wide brake pedals. Probably to suit both Lft foot nd Rt foot brakers
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Love the fact that a desk jockey got paid to come up with a title like that.

Round my way we give people like that a slightly different name.;)
Given that I never mentioned the source , you’re making assumptions there .

UAS is a recognised phenomenon in multiple countries , and well documented .

People who control the car with left foot on the brake do not suffer from this and do not need to ‘stab’ anything because their foot is already on the pedal .
absence of evidence is not proof.

More gumpf, waffle and piffle from someone who,as a class 1 police driver claimed he was taught that way, then admitted it he learnt it much earlier and was not taught it by the police or any advanced tuition. Then we learn it is not in the advanced manual...then we learn it is a test failure. And it is outlawed in some US states

Time to go for a right foot only drive...
Try reading my text properly .

You never learnt things you claimed above : you imagined or misinterpreted them .

Outlawed in three out of fifty states ; required in eight and accepted in all the others .
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American cars have or used to have 8" wide brake pedals. Probably to suit both Lft foot nd Rt foot brakers
Most automatics , including MB have large brake pedals for this reason
People who control the car with left foot on the brake do not suffer from this and do not need to ‘stab’ anything because their foot is already on the pedal .

But you said in earlier posts that that isn't what you do?
You said you leave your foot to the side and move it across when needed.

So which is it?
Outlawed in three out of fifty states ; required in eight and accepted in all the others .

Please give us a source for your statement that left foot braking is required in eight states.
Nope , the left foot rests to the left of the pedal most of the time . When braking is anticipated , the foot is rotated about the heel , which remains where it was , to cover the brake pedal , ready for use .
But you said in earlier posts that that isn't what you do?
You said you leave your foot to the side and move it across when needed.

So which is it?
I haven't being following this thread but eventual succumbed to having a look at what has generated over 200 posts on left foot braking. Some drivers may be expert at it but in my view it sounds like an elitist concept that has no business being encouraged for ordinary drivers. You might as well encourage them to practice cadence braking instead of allowing the car to do it for you.
No one is suggesting riding the brakes

left foot on the brake do not suffer from this and do not need to ‘stab’ anything because their foot is already on the pedal

please help us - which is correct?

is your left foot on it off the pedal????

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