Petrol Pete
Hardcore MB Enthusiast
I frucking swear this has to be the most hijacked thread in the history of this forum . We have gone from a pretty much unexplained (so far) fire that has frucked up around 1500 cars and destroyed a £20 million car park and we are talking about office commuting times.
If I were a conspiracy theorist I would be saying that AI has taken over this thread and is intentionally distracting us from the fact that all of the aforementioned damage was caused by a hybrid car that suffered a thermal runaway in its battery.
Here is a picture of a Walnut . Discuss.

If I were a conspiracy theorist I would be saying that AI has taken over this thread and is intentionally distracting us from the fact that all of the aforementioned damage was caused by a hybrid car that suffered a thermal runaway in its battery.
Here is a picture of a Walnut . Discuss.