What I find amusing (maybe not the correct word) here is this.
The OP asks a perfectly reasonable question about his car setting/features on a car forum and gets lambasted.
We all have opinions on such matters but the OP did not solicit our opinions he asked a question that actually does have an answer that is there for exactly the question he is asking.
My more amusing thoughts relate to data collection and people's views on what it may or may not be used for. The simple answer is none of us know what it may be used for. We know what the requester tells at the time of the request. By the time the data is transmitted we have no control at all over it's eventual destination, owner, or use.
Take a look around people and seek some answers from people who do this stuff for a living. The end of use of data is rarely, if ever what was intended once it falls outside of our ownership. Social engineering is now one of the largest uses of data and is also one of the largest growing fraudulent industries alongside phishing and straightforward data theft.
We normally look to ourselves and a 2nd possibly a 3rd party when we reassure ourselves about our data. WRONG!! Look to 5th, 6th, 7th - 10th party who has your data is now manipulating it to say what they want and use it how they wish.
Data Gathering is not cheap. Data Collection is also not cheap. So companies limit their outlay by collecting the maximum packet in one bundle. That is then matched with a 3rd party bundle and so on. Anybody who believes that MB are only interested in xyz? is missing the point here. They probably collect more than xyz before farming it to a 3rd party who will sanitize it using a 4th party who will collate it by means of a 5th party who will market it through their 6th party who is liasing with xxxxxxx.
To the OP. Yes it can be switched off. Ask your main dealer to do so.