OK, so the dastardly deed is done...... :hehe:
I fully appreciate that I am now driving a mobile cliché; old Merc with rusty arches and chromed trims and it wont be to the taste of most, well in fact its not to my taste either but I DO prefer them to rust/blemishes and scrapes.
They are from a German manufacturer and have probably been sitting on the shelf at CKS performance for a very long time as the packaging looks distinctly 1990s! However, they are very well made and of good quality
They were shipped yesterday at 2pm from London and arrived with me here close to Roermond by midday - good going DHL!
They fixed to the car extremely easily and snuggly once I had figured the trim clips out and fitting took 20mins including getting the car in to the dry garage for mounting.
Not very good pics as the weather here is absolutely foul, but I am happier with them on than off I think, so they can stay for now.
They have covered almost all the rust that was visible apart from the hole on the drivers wing so I am pleased with the result.
You may also notice that the front bumper is sitting slightly lower than it should - thanks to an altercation with a high kerb yesterday at work. Its pulled the pumper down and forwards slightly on its mounts; a shame but one of the main reasons I like smoking around in cheap cars is that I dont
have to fix it.