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Not just motorways

Not sure I agree.....my father was a great driver and could drift his 5 series with the best of them when I was young (I'll never forget my mums terrified face!)......his abilities and awareness of what's going on around him are definitely not as good now he's 79.....and he knows it so has bought a less powerful more upright car and does far less miles (uses his bus pass quite a bit for local trips)......although he still drives to Scotland from the South coast (he lives in Chichester) twice a year in the winter to shoot geese). At least he is aware and will stop if he feels he's not safe.....or if I tell him he's not. When you get into your 80s most have a reaction time that could be measured with an egg timer!!! :)
Not sure I agree.....my father was a great driver and could drift his 5 series with the best of them when I was young (I'll never forget my mums terrified face!)......his abilities and awareness of what's going on around him are definitely not as good now he's 79.....and he knows it so has bought a less powerful more upright car and does far less miles (uses his bus pass quite a bit for local trips)......although he still drives to Scotland from the South coast (he lives in Chichester) twice a year in the winter to shoot geese). At least he is aware and will stop if he feels he's not safe.....or if I tell him he's not. When you get into your 80s most have a reaction time that could be measured with an egg timer!!! :)
It is not a given that your faculties drop off the cliff when you reach pension age. You do come to the realisation that you are not the driving god you thought that you were, and you get more considerate of other drivers though. You also find the arrogance of youth amusing, todays young are tomorrows old!
JHS, 78 in September.👨‍🦼
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