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Officially Mercedes-less for the first time in 2 decades.


MB Enthusiast
May 3, 2005
Echo Beach
KTM 1290SAR, Superb 272 wagon
There's a gap in the driveway this evening, one that has been occupied for nearly half my life. The SL that arrived with us in 2003 has moved on after 21 years in our ownership. Many other cars have come and gone in that time (including a 202 and a 211), but this one was always...there. And suddenly now it isn't; feels out of step, like a missing relative or beloved pet.

Strange how cars can do that to you.
A victim of life changing really.

I started working from home once COVID hit and never went back, which means my yearly mileage has collapsed. It doesn't work anymore as an "everyday" car for a variety of reasons, which is fine as we have the wife's Kuga for practicality - except I hate driving it. That means a 2nd practical car (the Superb wagon) and that becomes increasingly hard to justify when there's also a KTM in the garage.

It had to live outside and needed tidying up (which was the plan before COVID) but it no longer made sense, so it was time for it to go. All is not lost, the wife has realised she also prefers driving the Skoda (!) and thinks when the time comes, the Kuga should be replaced with something smaller. I'm taking that to mean an R231 😆

Once life calms down a bit, I'll catalogue my collection of 129 spares and parts (inc. some AMG bits) for any interested parties.
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A victim of life changing really.

I started working from home once COVID hit and never went back, which means my yearly mileage has collapsed. It doesn't work anymore as an "everyday" car for a variety of reasons, which is fine as we have the wife's Kuga for practicality - except I hate driving it. That means a 2nd practical car (the Superb wagon) and that becomes increasingly hard to justify when there's also a KTM in the garage.

It had to live outside and needed tidying up (which was the plan before COVID) but it no longer made sense, so it was time for it to go. All is not lost, the wife has realised she also prefers driving the Skoda (!) and thinks when the time comes, the Kuga should be replaced with something smaller. I'm taking that to mean an R231 😆

Once life calms down a bit, I'll catalogue my collection of 129 spares and parts (inc. some AMG bits) for any interested parties.
How are you getting on with 'The Dragon Wagon' ?
How are you getting on with 'The Dragon Wagon' ?
It's going fine, had it nearly a year now. Not really done much more to it since the suspension work as other things have taken priority, but I'm hoping to pick that up again towards the end of the summer with any luck.
It's going fine, had it nearly a year now. Not really done much more to it since the suspension work as other things have taken priority, but I'm hoping to pick that up again towards the end of the summer with any luck.
They're good cars. Fancy one myself although the rationale to run something so big now we don't have woofers is a bit tenuous.
I hear you, everyone tells m your CL500 is old, you should replace it etc but gosh giving it up will hurt me :D
There's a gap in the driveway this evening, one that has been occupied for nearly half my life. The SL that arrived with us in 2003 has moved on after 21 years in our ownership. Many other cars have come and gone in that time (including a 202 and a 211), but this one was always...there. And suddenly now it isn't; feels out of step, like a missing relative or beloved pet.

Strange how cars can do that to you.
Where abouts has the R129 moved on to?

Will we see it on the forum? :)
There's a gap in the driveway this evening, one that has been occupied for nearly half my life. The SL that arrived with us in 2003 has moved on after 21 years in our ownership. Many other cars have come and gone in that time (including a 202 and a 211), but this one was always...there. And suddenly now it isn't; feels out of step, like a missing relative or beloved pet.

Strange how cars can do that to you.
You might need to to be suspended from the forum buddy until you get another Merc :cool:
Where abouts has the R129 moved on to?

Will we see it on the forum? :)
It was bought by a trader who pulled out all the tricks in the book, the emotional pressure of "Oh it's too good to break, we'll do it up nicely to keep". That doesn't work with me, once sold that chapter closes and what you do with it is none of my concern. A price was agreed, with collection the next day.

We then had the 2 no-shows to try and play on desperation, followed by a phone call at 7am trying to renegotiate the deal that went down like a lead balloon. Told them the price, they collect it today or do not ring me again. They turned up mid morning and as we're preparing to move the car from the back of the house, they tried to renegotiate the price once more. I managed to retain some modicum of diplomacy (I had jump leads in my hand connected to a 100Ah battery at my feet - jamming them into their chest and waiting for something to go pop had crossed my mind!)

Told them that wasn't an option and they'd had a wasted journey, at which point the extra funds were miraculously found. All in all it was quite a grubby experience, but I had a feeling that would be the case from their first contact so was already prepared for war.

So no, I don't think we'll see it on the forum, not until the next owner anyway. They may be true to their word, but I suspect it's more likely to be flipped or broken up. I'll keep an eye on their website.
Never say never for another? One day you'll accidently stumble across something of interest I'd wager. For me having something 'nice' in the fold is partly down to practicalities, but I too WFH and still find the 'need' to have a toy or two, even if they get used FAR less than they used to. I have downsized the value of said toys though.

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