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Olympic lunacy

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Next you'll say Eurovision isn't a good idea!!...

Started in Monaco by some Swiss people, so we are not entirely to blame, though we do hold the record of hosting it the most times - 8 in total :crazy:
Started in Monaco by some Swiss people, so we are not entirely to blame, though we do hold the record of hosting it the most times - 8 in total :crazy:

Surely Ireland must have overtaken us by now? We learnt long ago that if we stopped winning it, we wouldn't have to host it the next year.
Riverdance was the gift that just kept giving ...
Eurovision is interactive, you get to vote,

There's nothing Xfactor about the Olympics.

I do see the reason why it's being held in the slums of Landan Tarn; it's in dire need of the investment.

Us glorious northern folk understand the need to help out our southern friends by letting them stage this three week sports day.

And Seb Coe still gets on my threepenny bits, even after all this time...
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Eurovision is interactive, you get to vote,

There's nothing Xfactor about the Olympics.


I see. So you're proposing that the 100m should become a popularity contest? Will they still need to run the distance, or just stand there making begging gestures to the crowd or "dial my number" gestures to the TV audience? :crazy:
If it gets football of the TV for a couple of weeks that can be no bad thing :D
SPX, I am sorry to hear about your grandma's spleen :crazy:
No one has mentioned that large areas of SW London are effectively closed for at least 3 days.

A good portion of the area where i live is on the cycle route, and the roads will be closed from 4am on the days in question.

I can't physically get home from work on those days ! not to mention all the businesses that will lose custom and people who can't get out of their houses. What about ambulance / fire / police access while the roads are closed and full of peddlars , what about disabled people who need their cars ?

All the Olympic idiots can say is 'don't travel on those days' , well that's fine for Sebby Coe ( who should have stuck to running round in circles for a living ) but the rest of us have lives to lead , kids to take to nursery , money to earn.

It's all a case of 'you lot just get on with it' while their bray about what a wonderful thing the games are.

Sooner they are over , the better. Complete waste of time and money.
I do see the reason why it's being held in the slums of Landan Tarn; it's in dire need of the investment.

Us glorious northern folk understand the need to help out our southern friends by letting them stage this three week sports day.

And Seb Coe still gets on my threepenny bits, even after all this time...

But it won't help , do you honestly think the slum dwellers will care for the new facilities after it's all over ?

Nope , it'll be graffiti'd within weeks and another big slum within a couple of years.
Do you really believe that? As far as I can see, the naysayers are just picking up their negative vibe from the tabloid press. Nothing new there.

Plain wrong Mocas. I never read the scabloids.
It is possible to hold an opposing view without it coming from the press - any corner of it.

:rolleyes: But if the press were being overwhelmingly positive in their reporting,

We would lap it up as though sugar coated - is that what you think?

what would those that had no first-hand experience have to moan about (other than the cost, which people will always moan about anyway).

I said the same about the Millenium Dome - and well, it turned out well - for O2 if not the taxpayer.
It seems that certain members think the people who don't love the Olympics are just sheep , led around by the nose by the respective tabloids , incapable of thinking for ourselves.

We should all be grateful to Seb Coe and all he has done for us for bringing this magnificent spectacle to our humble country ? is that it ?
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Now come on everyone, don`t you all know that the 2012 London olimpic games is a 2 week bank holiday, so in London if your not going to the games, your at home in front of the telly so bus and olimpic lanes are all that are needed.
Don`t understand why a stadium was built as all the events could be heald on these lanes as well, something like the TT on the Isle of Man.
It seems that certain members think the people who don't love the Olympics are just sheep , led around by the nose by the respective tabloids , incapable of thinking for ourselves.

We should all be grateful to Seb Coe and all he has done for us for bringing this magnificent spectacle to our humble country ? is that it ?

Well, we are inferior to Londoners, it seems, so we should grateful to them for allowing us to the opportunity to be led.

Not foisted. London is used to hosting events, we're used to road closures; we're used to large-scale construction projects - we take all of this in our stride. It's part of the lifeblood of the city. And it's also why this probably couldn't have happened anywhere else in the country: it would have been killed off by petty-minded nimbies. Well, it's their loss.
Genuine question, what exactly are you going to do on these days that you can't get to work?

Have you thought about buying some cycling gear and pretending to be a competitor, then slinking off when you pass your work?
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