No, not so, your lock barrel is seized, it being seized won’t stop the central locking from working, something else is stopping CL from working.
For example, my boot lock was seized when I bought my car, the key blade wouldn't even enter the lock but that didn't stop the central locking from working normally.
Your plan of attack is to;
-Remove the Yellow air pipe, it wiggles/pulls off.
-Operate the central locking with the remote, don't shut the boot lid.
-Unlocking with the remote will cause air to be blown through the Yellow pipe.
-Locking may or may not cause air to be sucked true the yellow pipe, not sure if it sucks air or not.
Its quite possible that there is a hole or split in the rubber actuator 3, to determine this you would need to get your mouth around it and blow into it to see if air is escaping.
The are easley broken… the are of brittle White plastic… might be best to buy a replacement from an MB dealer.
Keep at the seized lock.
For example, my boot lock was seized when I bought my car, the key blade wouldn't even enter the lock but that didn't stop the central locking from working normally.
Your plan of attack is to;
-Remove the Yellow air pipe, it wiggles/pulls off.
-Operate the central locking with the remote, don't shut the boot lid.
-Unlocking with the remote will cause air to be blown through the Yellow pipe.
-Locking may or may not cause air to be sucked true the yellow pipe, not sure if it sucks air or not.
Its quite possible that there is a hole or split in the rubber actuator 3, to determine this you would need to get your mouth around it and blow into it to see if air is escaping.
The are easley broken… the are of brittle White plastic… might be best to buy a replacement from an MB dealer.
Keep at the seized lock.
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