Does anyone else remember this advert that they ran for some considerable time? -
And at this time you were only eligible for a speed awareness course if you fell within the following criteria -
The criteria used for assessing eligibility for the speed awareness course
is speed within range of speed limit + 10% + 2mph to speed limit + 10% +
6mph. i.e. in a 30 mph limit 35 - 39 mph, also must not have completed a
previous course within the last 3 years and the offender must have
identified themselves to police by fully complying with legal requirements
under Section 172 of the Road Traffic Act 1988 and is able to be referred
to our service provider within 95 days of the alleged offence.
Strange how the tolerance is now set at a speed in excess of that deemed to be lethal in 80% of pedestrian collisions, well actually no not really as the Tory government announced a freeze on 'safety' camera spending in 2010. Given that there are a lot of people making a lot of money out of speed enforcement, companies like Road Safety Support, AA Drivetech and the likes, with the freezing of 'safety' camera spending the cash cow still needed feeding, not to mention a number of jobs within the ticket offices of police forces across the country.
So with their source of new revenue being cut off it didn't take them long to work out that if they raised the tolerance for speed awareness courses they could make up the shortfall, they rely on the people taking the SAC as they get all get a slice of the pie. The money from fines goes to, or certainly did, direct to central government so it's not the officer who stops you at the side of the road putting in a good word for you, it's simple economics, they want your money!