Is Road pricing the same a charging by the mile?
This depends on how it will be implemented.
If done properly, then the cost per mile will depend on several factors, such as:
- The particular stretch of road, i.e. roads that are regularly congested will be more expensive to drive on.
- The time of day, i.e. driving during 'rush hour' will cost more.
- The type of vehicle, e.g. polluting vehicles could be charged more, or the charge could be based on economic parameters such as RRP and age, or based on vehicle weight, or passenger capacity etc etc.
- Concessions, e.g. local residents, disabled people, OAPs, registered tradesmen, private hire vehicles, etc etc, either getting a discount or not paying anything at all, during certain times of day, possibly even taking into account social welfare i.e. poorer people who have to commute by private car for whatever reason.
Additionally, road pricing could be adjusted in 'real time', i.e. if a road becomes congested, then the price per mile on that road immediately goes up until it's high enough for congestion to ease. Other factors such as roadworks or closure due to traffic accidents will obviously need to be taken into account.
However, such a road pricing system will be best implemented at a national level, thus incorporating all current and future local Councils scheme such as LEZ, ULEZ, CAZ, Congestion Charge etc, as well as all toll roads and toll crossings.
That's my vision, anyway, for a fairer system where people will pay little or no money if they conform to methods of travel that are beneficial to society, and pay when they insist on travelling in ways that increase pollution or congestion.