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talk Talk deal.

I know 2 people in my area who have gone over to TalkTalk and are now in the process of changing back to previous ISP due to unreliable/slow BB connections.
Don't think I'll be swapping over any time soon.
mergli said:
I know 2 people in my area who have gone over to TalkTalk and are now in the process of changing back to previous ISP due to unreliable/slow BB connections.
Don't think I'll be swapping over any time soon.

i'd like to get that far!! eventually IF/WHEN it gets connected, if the connection is slow/unreliable then i will be seriously pi$$ed off to have to revert back after all this hassle!!!
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SilverSaloon said:
if the connection is slow/unreliable then i will be seriously pi$$ed off to have to revert back after all this hassle!!!

Okay I'll buy it,
I do not like to see your type of language being used on this forum, your an excellent bloke who I have a lot of time for, but letting rip on this forum will not alter your siotuation one jot.

I apologise if I have offended you but there ar otherr words that you could have used to express your disappointment.

John the prude
Connection Details

Here is how I connected without the starter pack.

on Windows XP.

Start/Control Panel/Network Connections

Create a new connection

Next/ Connect to the internet, Next/ Set up connection manually, Next/ Connect using a dial-up modem, Next/ ISP name "TALKTALK", Next/Phone Number 0,38 Next/ Username and Password as supplied by carphone warehouse Next/Finish

If you need DNS settings these are Primary Secondary

I get connection speeds of 2.2 mbps, in the past 2 weeks i have been disconnected 3 times.
glojo said:
Okay I'll buy it,
I do not like to see your type of language being used on this forum, your an excellent bloke who I have a lot of time for, but letting rip on this forum will not alter your siotuation one jot.

I apologise if I have offended you but there ar otherr words that you could have used to express your disappointment.

John the prude

whoops; sorry i thought it would have been automatically censored :o i'ved edited the post & sorry for any offense caused :o

i just got very frustrated after logging onto talk talk account and being STILL told that my live date would be end of June ...... and still no replies to any of my emails to customer services :(
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SilverSaloon said:
... and still no replies to any of my emails to customer services :(

I for one fully understand your frustration and sympathise with you.

Have a nice day,
SilverSaloon said:
whoops; sorry i thought it would have been automatically censored :o i'ved edited the post & sorry for any offense caused :o
It should have been caught, wonder why it wasn't

I was in the process of editing it for you and was interrupted by work. How rude is that? :)
Shude said:
It should have been caught, wonder why it wasn't

I was in the process of editing it for you and was interrupted by work. How rude is that? :)

Sorry again. I post on quite a lot of forums & (although i must say i do hardly ever swear on them!!), they all seem to censor anything offsensive automatically.

I will be more careful in future ;)

Back to the saga.

This morning at 6 a.m. I click on my ISP connect button & it doesn't work. Faff around with usernames, passwords, connections etc & still can't make it go.

Call Wanadoo (now orange) where they answer their phones quickly, out of business hours and don't charge 10p per minute for technical support (you listening, Charles.)

"Yes sir. We've closed your account 'cos talktalk gave yesterday as the go live date. You have migrated. Talk to talktalk"

Big Sigh. If only I could.

Call talktalk where I discover they are not open until 8 a.m.

8.05 the phone marathon begins. I called customer service about 30 times to be told that all of their operatives were too busy to talk to me & could I call back later? Don't have much 'king choice if I want to use the internet.

Called directory enquiries for CPW HQ number which is an 800 number which brings you to the same place in telephone menu Hell. Try billing where, surprise, surprise, they answer the phone instantly - explain (briefly) the prob. & am transferred to customer service where I hold for about 14 minutes. I'm told to refer to my Starter Pack (never sent one), told to go on line for instructions (duh, were you listening?) & then put through to Tech Support @ 10p a minute. Many mins. later I disconnect.

Customer Service again where eventually, after countless attempts I get Hailey. First says wait for the Starter Pack to arrive (CPW doesn't use 1st class for these - great idea) No, thanks. I've already waited 10 weeks for something CPW promised would take no more than 20 days. Hailey is sympathetic & is persuaded to find out how to get me connected sans a Starter Pack & a TT modem.

9.55 I'm online, Only 1 hour & 50 minutes after my 1st phone call & about 5 quid in wasted 0870 Tech Support & directory enquiry call charges. I talked to a person for maybe 5 minutes of the 110 I was trying to speak to someone at CPW.

Those of you who have been following this sorry tale may be interested in this exchange of emails.

More BS or do you think something will improve?

"Sent: 03 July 2006 15:53
To: Press Office
Subject: CPW - the customer's view.


I've had such poor service from your company I've gone public with it here - http://mbclub.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=25553

So far 384 people have read it & I hope they've passed it on to their friends. Interestingly, not a single person has said "Hold on a sec, I've had great customer service from CPW." - quite the opposite in fact.

I've also forwarded copies of my emails to Chuck & a detailed write up of the whole sorry saga to the Dear Liz page of the Daily Telegraph.

Think I might get a response now?


This afternoon I received this reply

"Dear Mr R,

Thank you for your communication.

I can confirm that the points you have raised are now in the processes of being fully investigated.

We will endeavour to contact you with a resolution to this matter as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

Yours sincerely

TalkTalk Customer Liaison Department"

I'll keep you posted.
phoned them up today. After 40 mins wait on hold i get an foreign guy who can hardly speak english.

I ask him where is my modem? he says it was sent out in may. I say i never got it. He says oh, maybe there is a delay. I tell him i dont care, i've waiting long enough. I want to put it back to Talk 1 price plan.

He puts it back to talk 1.

I then say i dont want you're BB as i am sticking with my reliable provider. He says i would have to cancel it thru the BB dept & puts me on hold (again). After 20 mins wait, i get cut off.

really pi$$ed now & considering ringing BT at lunctime to "go back to BT". Anyone know how long this takes. atleast i've got £8 off per month now by being on Talk1 instead of Talk3 but still have the broadband bit. Dont understand how because i thought u had to have Talk3 to get the BB. I am not too concerned about this as i suppose by the time they have got BB activated for me i will of moved house and the whole thing will be cancelled under my name as i aint going with TalkTalk 3 & BB in the new house!! Talk1 seems best as it does save me money compared to BT and i was on it a year before "Upgrading (?)" to Talk3 & "non existant free BB"

My main problem is that obviously i want to cancel the whole talktalk thing but as i am moving house on the 4th august i dont want to mess up the telephone line for the buyers as its part of the contract that the line will be active when they move in.....

any ideas?

neilrr said:

Back to the saga.

This morning at 6 a.m. I click on my ISP connect button & it doesn't work. Faff around with usernames, passwords, connections etc & still can't make it go.

Call Wanadoo (now orange) where they answer their phones quickly, out of business hours and don't charge 10p per minute for technical support (you listening, Charles.)

"Yes sir. We've closed your account 'cos talktalk gave yesterday as the go live date. You have migrated. Talk to talktalk"

Big Sigh. If only I could.

Call talktalk where I discover they are not open until 8 a.m.

8.05 the phone marathon begins. I called customer service about 30 times to be told that all of their operatives were too busy to talk to me & could I call back later? Don't have much 'king choice if I want to use the internet.

Called directory enquiries for CPW HQ number which is an 800 number which brings you to the same place in telephone menu Hell. Try billing where, surprise, surprise, they answer the phone instantly - explain (briefly) the prob. & am transferred to customer service where I hold for about 14 minutes. I'm told to refer to my Starter Pack (never sent one), told to go on line for instructions (duh, were you listening?) & then put through to Tech Support @ 10p a minute. Many mins. later I disconnect.

Customer Service again where eventually, after countless attempts I get Hailey. First says wait for the Starter Pack to arrive (CPW doesn't use 1st class for these - great idea) No, thanks. I've already waited 10 weeks for something CPW promised would take no more than 20 days. Hailey is sympathetic & is persuaded to find out how to get me connected sans a Starter Pack & a TT modem.

9.55 I'm online, Only 1 hour & 50 minutes after my 1st phone call & about 5 quid in wasted 0870 Tech Support & directory enquiry call charges. I talked to a person for maybe 5 minutes of the 110 I was trying to speak to someone at CPW.

Those of you who have been following this sorry tale may be interested in this exchange of emails.

More BS or do you think something will improve?

"Sent: 03 July 2006 15:53
To: Press Office
Subject: CPW - the customer's view.


I've had such poor service from your company I've gone public with it here - http://mbclub.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=25553

So far 384 people have read it & I hope they've passed it on to their friends. Interestingly, not a single person has said "Hold on a sec, I've had great customer service from CPW." - quite the opposite in fact.

I've also forwarded copies of my emails to Chuck & a detailed write up of the whole sorry saga to the Dear Liz page of the Daily Telegraph.

Think I might get a response now?


This afternoon I received this reply

"Dear Mr R,

Thank you for your communication.

I can confirm that the points you have raised are now in the processes of being fully investigated.

We will endeavour to contact you with a resolution to this matter as soon as possible.

Thank you for your patience.

Yours sincerely

TalkTalk Customer Liaison Department"

I'll keep you posted.
Arne from TT High Level Complaints called me this morning.

Abject apologies, underestimated demand radically, overwhelmed, couldn't cope, training new customer service people, very sorry, not really a mickey mouse company, how about we waive your connection fee (£29.99) & reimburse you for 2 months double BB coverage (£38)?

Thank you v. much!

It's all up & working now, I even received my modem (2 days after I went online) so this makes ammends somewhat.

He also said Charles D. is well aware of the sh1t storm this has caused and is working night & day to make things better.
Against my advice my Father has signed up with talktalk. I am moving house and I'm taking my Demon account with me, the wheels are already turning in demon-land. I received a migration code from Demon and passed it to my Father who wants to enjoy a "seamless" service. The talktalk online system used to enter the migration code wouldn't accept a "/", which is a common component of the code. He tried calling them but after a few hours gave up.

Now he has resorted to writing a letter to them in order to inform them of the migration code. How's that for old-school? :)

I don't think the service is going to be as "seamless" as he thinks. Also, in a month's time if the migration hasn't happened I'm either going to start charging him for the use of my broadband which I will continue to be billed for until migrated or I'm going to simply call demon and kill the service.
neilrr said:
Arne from TT High Level Complaints called me this morning.

Abject apologies, underestimated demand radically, overwhelmed, couldn't cope, training new customer service people, very sorry, not really a mickey mouse company, how about we waive your connection fee (£29.99) & reimburse you for 2 months double BB coverage (£38)?

Thank you v. much!

It's all up & working now, I even received my modem (2 days after I went online) so this makes ammends somewhat.

He also said Charles D. is well aware of the sh1t storm this has caused and is working night & day to make things better.

i think i will start afresh when i am in my new house.
horrayyy! got thru to someone on the customer services line (after 30 mins of waiting again, but atleast i wasnt cut off this time)

and i have moved back to talk 1 price plan & cancelled the BB.

apparantly my BB hadnt even began to be started - even tho i ordered it start of april.

its the end of a terrible saga for me. I now need to think whether i will be using talktalk in the new house or not. To be honest i probably will, but just talk 1 price plan & i wont be using their BB service, atleast not until the backlog is cleared and there are reports of it being delivered and up and running in about 2 weeks (not 4 months)....

Pleased, but obviously out of pocket, and i will be checking those direct debits to make sure that the correct money goes out!

if anyone needs to know, dialing 0870 444 1820 gets u thru to cust services & the "sales" line is picked up straight away by an operator. The "cancellation line (option 4)" takes 30 mins to get thru to someone.... no surprise there then!!!
Sky are offering 8mb broadband with the telephone line @ £15 a month in addition to thier packages.
mergli said:
I know 2 people in my area who have gone over to TalkTalk and are now in the process of changing back to previous ISP due to unreliable/slow BB connections.
Don't think I'll be swapping over any time soon.

one of my work collegues moved from his 2MB BT connection to Talk Talk, and in his case it was about 512k type speeds, so he's moving back....but there are admin complications and is giving him a headache.
Last Thursday BB went dead, supplier is Demon. I assumed this was because TalkTalk had used the migration code and someone had carried out the instruction to cut off the Demon account and activate TalkTalk. My Father was adamant that he'd not received anything from TalkTalk yet and that it must be something wrong at the Demon end.

After a conversation with TalkTalk it turns out that we're "live", but they forgot to send us the equipment and connection details. My Father got all the info off them over the phone and when I got home I reconfigured the router with the new username@host and password.

It's poor, I mean *really* poor. The router is up and down like (insert your own gag here) and it's constantly trying to get sync. Does anyone know if TalkTalk customers are automatically unbundled from BT equipment? If so then that must be why it's so rubbish! It struggles to hold a connection at 1MB so I reckon we'll be busted down to 512k (Demon was stable at 1MB but a bit shaky at 2MB due to the distance from the exchange).

Meanwhile my shiny new router, new (quite expensive) microfilter and new demon account is ready to go at my new address.

You can guarantee I will get hassle about the TalkTalk thing from my folks but in the end they chose to ignore my advice and go for the lowest bidder. Good luck to them!
I'm now sticking with Tiscali Broadband (been with them for BB for a year or so now without problem), taking their 2mb unlimted BB & 24/7 Phone package for £19.99 a month. Means i can be flexable because my line rental is still with BT.

I've got myself a wireless router that is always connected to tiscali and it all works like a dream :)

heres a link to the router:


seems to work pretty good with the supplied USB reciever.
8192/448 at my new house with Demon :)

it's £19.99 for the base package but I pay an extra £5 per month for fixed IP, webspace, domain and a few other bits and pieces.

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