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Tip for the day! (NOT)


MB Enthusiast
Mar 23, 2004
Approach T junction in appalling rain. Turning left takes you up a wide empty hill with water streaming down it. Turn off ESP, select first with tiptronic, nail it, catch 45 degree slide, hold it sideways a bit going up hill, wipe stupid grin off face, tell myself I should have grown out of that a long time ago!
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I think I can say good bye to fun like that with one word - Quattro. Doh.
R2D2 said:
Approach T junction in appalling rain. Turning left takes you up a wide empty hill with water streaming down it. Turn off ESP, select first with tiptronic, nail it, catch 45 degree slide, hold it sideways a bit going up hill, wipe stupid grin off face, tell myself I should have grown out of that a long time ago!

Thought it may be helpful to point you at this "what tyres to buy" thread: http://www.mbclub.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=26354


"Growing up is boring!!"
GrahamC230K said:
I think I can say good bye to fun like that with one word - Quattro. Doh.

True and you'll have to say goodbye to being overtaken ever again!;)
Gollom said:
Thought it may be helpful to point you at this "what tyres to buy" thread: http://www.mbclub.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=26354


"Growing up is boring!!"

Given the water running down the hill and my foot buried in the carpet I would defy any tyre to grip! LOL

Having reread your review link, it sounds like the Bridgestone is the fun tyre in the wet (until you want to stop anyway!)
DieselE said:
I didn't know there were any hills in Kent. :devil:

Yup just a few little ones. Funny place kent, we have flooding on the roads and a hosepipe ban!:crazy:
"I think I can say good bye to fun like that with one word - Quattro. Doh."

I remember you demonstrating the C230K's lack of rear wheel grip on many occasions.......if you miss it just chip the S4 to over 300bhp and problem should be partly solved....
R2D2 said:
Yup just a few little ones. Funny place kent, we have flooding on the roads and a hosepipe ban!:crazy:

All Thames reservoirs are full, i have 700 million gallons of water coming over the weir each day , and i am still expected to haul a watering can out of the river to water the plants ....

Guess the plants are gonna die this year then ......
Howard said:
All Thames reservoirs are full, i have 700 million gallons of water coming over the weir each day , and i am still expected to haul a watering can out of the river to water the plants ....

Guess the plants are gonna die this year then ......

Did I hear it wrong or were Thames considering a drought order?
R2D2 said:
Turn off ESP,

Try taking a sharp bend on a dual carriage way without ESP activated at xxMPH on wet road surface in a W203 and you'll need a spare pair of pants afterwards... :D
They are considering it, but it will never happen .....

A drought order bans all non-essential use, so that would mean we would have to ....

A) Block all the weirs and stop all seepage
B) Stop navigation on the river
C) Close the fish passes

Now, A is hard to do as we may need to use the weirs at any time , eg. following a big storm , if they are blocked and sealed, we can't do this ...

B) is almost impossible to do , as it is a little known fact that the river is the Queens highway upon which everyone has the right of unimpeded passage at all times, we can't even lock the gates of a lock at night without applying months beforehand, and then usually only in the winter ....The only exception i have ever seen was on July 7th after the bombings we closed the river , but that was on the issue of an emergency harbourmasters notice ... The passenger boat companies would be up in arms, people would demand licence fee refunds etc etc ...Basically restricting navigation is an absolute no-no, and all the river users groups know this ....

C) The 'fish people' will never let this happen, you know how eco-friendly everyone is now !

Thames may threaten a drought order but in reality it is most unlikely, as long as there is water in the river, they wont ( i wouldn't have thought ;) ) however other water companies water comes solely from aquifers and boreholes they might ....
Slightly more on topic - I had a few sideways-ish moments last week caused by aquaplaning on the M25 in heavy rain at 65 mph.
I was not wiping a grin off my face, infact the only thing I thought I may have to wipe was my........[would have required a trip to the dry cleaners].

suppose thats what you get with 275 width tyres......
Sorry to have drifted everyone ...... :eek:
Flash said:
Try taking a sharp bend on a dual carriage way without ESP activated at xxMPH on wet road surface in a W203 and you'll need a spare pair of pants afterwards... :D

Hm. I dont think I'd turn ESP off except on an empty wide road. My little bit of fun was a bit of a handful but at motorway speeds it would be very scary indeed and thats with only 225 tyres on!
When I first got the CLK I happened across a deserted wet roundabout I know well, off went the ESP, up went the revs, wheeeeee went the tyres, sideways went the car, Arghhhhhhh went the driver, twirl went his arms, on went the ESP and that's where its stayed pretty much ever since!
I used to do all my practising at first to gain my confidence in big empty car parks late at night and managed to perfect it in the insurance W203 courtesy car that I was given but it is still scary though... I would not dare do anything like that now.
R2D2 said:
Yup just a few little ones. Funny place kent, we have flooding on the roads and a hosepipe ban!:crazy:

That's from all the water they are leaking from the pipes! :devil:

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