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Top 3 cars you love to burn off

Howard said:
I've been a passenger in a CL65 being driven hard , and i can honestly say that in the real world there is nothing else on the road that can touch it ...

Scared me a bit actually ....... :o

Would that be Rick's (Parfitt) CL65 by chance?
DarkAngel said:
Well I've never been married but I'm sure that in my domain (as in: the driving seat) a lady must know her place!!!

I believe Ice Cube said it best when his girlfriend tried changing the stereo during a rendition of his favourite NWA track:
" $&%h you better watch yourself!! I will slap that m%*&%* f%^&%ng make-up straight of your %^t$£ a^s face. If you touch my m£%^&* f*&^$ng stereo again I will f$%^i£% kill you h*e "

Of course im not suggesting any of you boys actually put this into practice :D
NOTE: if you do tho, try and record it on your video phone i think it could be a learning experience! :p

LOL :eek:

I'm sure that would go down really well with my other half... I'd probablbly get annother slap when the vehilce comes to a stationary stand still... and no dinner for aweek :rolleyes:

I have been unfortunate enough to suffer a court summons by an undercover police car on the A34 for over 100mph having just burnt it off before road angel went *******....... (one month ago) I was then fortunate enough to receive a letter a week after my producer to say that due to errors no further action would be taken and enclosed my clean license back :) :) :) So now in retrospect - yes i have learnt my lesson - but boy was it incredible to remember out accelerating that copper :)

I may also know someone very close to me who may make u feel better maff and play at the traffic lights :)


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syfaphonetic said:
I- but boy was it incredible to remember out accelerating that copper :)

I hate to be the one to burst your bubble, BUT.........

If you think about it logically the Police vehicle will give you enough rope to hang yourself.

In other words, "Look at that idiot!!! Just follow him and see what he does."

no bubbles burst matey - it was fun and i was lucky. He was playing I was stooopid enuff to respond - aahhhh the youth of today eh john ? :rolleyes:
syfaphonetic said:
He was playing I was stooopid enuff to respond - aahhhh the youth of today eh john ? :rolleyes:

I am never going to confess to being pursued by a Police Jaguar some 25 years ago.

When the situation warranted it, I pulled over, and the traffic vehicle pulled in behind me and its engine went 'bang'.............. :D :D Geat columns of steam started coming out of various openings around the bonnet and the engine kept over-running for a few minutes, then died. :eek: :eek: We had been 'cruising' flat out for about twenty minutes, and the Police vehicle had really been struggling to keep pace.

Oh the joys of youth. I was driving a 3ltr Consul GT (A type of the very original Ford Granada) and was pursued a big Jaguar. Heh, heh. I was in the fortunate postion though of being able to laugh at the embarrassment of the officer. We made sure he could radio for assistance before a wheel spinning departure. Oh the joys of youth....

There is absolutely no place for racing on the highway, people are livingin a fantasy world if they genuinely believe they have 'out performed' the other vehicle. More likely the other vehicle has thankfully ended the so called contest early before any red-haze has descended.

Cars are not killers, it is the person behind the wheel. Owning a high performance vehicle not only needs a competant driver, it also requires a mature one!

I was authorised for my journey, I had undrgone many months of various driving courses.

Far better though to talk a good fight on this forum, rather than reproduce the act on the very busy highways of our beautiful country.

Just remember.... Be careful out there
John The Kill Joy
Of course u r correct Mr Kill Joy, and this mature youngster is keeping his fully clean advanced license and racing license on the Track for fun sessions with like minded skillful drivers :)

beat him though....... oops :)
I learnt from my "pops". Brand new SLK, import, this is when there was a 2yr waiting list in the UK and I had noy even seen one in the UK up to that date, only pictures.

It was a mixture of 2am + M4 + 146mph "ish"

One moment nothing on the road, the next some car right up our ar$e. I look accross at the speedo, left hand drive and thought wtf? how the hell are they keeping up. Told my dad to pull over into the middle lane, then the next thing we knew, the road was lit up like a disco!

2 week ban - clocked at 106mph (LUCKY!)

So yep, I got 3 points and a fine for racing on a dual carriage way. They came off last year. So my thinking is, if the power isn't there, temptation can go have an extra lunch break :D :D :D
abbos said:
2 week ban - clocked at 106mph (LUCKY!)

I got caught vastly exceeding the speed limit an a similar manner, in essex...
I am pretty sure that they only record the speed upto the point they need to get the conviction the rest of the time they spend taking a good look at how fast the lovely new sports car can go. I had a mk1 retault megan cabrio when there was hardly any on the road. It was even rarer because I had the 2 litre engine, which was the Williams engine from the Clio with even more power...
I met so many police while I had that car I was amazed. Any excuse they could find I was sat in the gutter talking about the car :) I was always happy to chat, but when you get pulled 3-5 times a week for a few months, when you have evaded any police attantion for 5 years it starts to get beyond a joke...
Some Police Officers are very decent and nice - I have come across 2 so far in my time that could have thrown the book at me but let me off (in last encounter he could have given me the ticket but instead just noted my details down in his black book and told me to be on my way) and have never heard anything further.

Its always best policy to be "humble" when pulled over by the boys in blue and to fully co-opeerate with them.

Flash said:
Some Police Officers are very decent and nice - I have come across 2 so far in my time that could have thrown the book at me but let me off (in last encounter he could have given me the ticket but instead just noted my details down in his black book and told me to be on my way) and have never heard anything further.

Its always best policy to be "humble" when pulled over by the boys in blue and to fully co-opeerate with them.


I agree with that 100%. Its got me out of one or two speeding related incidents in the past. I dont understand people whe get angry and off hand when being pulled over for something they have obviously done wrong in the first place. The officer is only doing his job at the end of the day but some people seem to take it as personal insult and harasment. Why?
Anyway, come on syfaphonetic, explain the lambo in the pic!
stwat said:
I agree with that 100%. Its got me out of one or two speeding related incidents in the past. I dont understand people whe get angry and off hand when being pulled over for something they have obviously done wrong in the first place. The officer is only doing his job at the end of the day but some people seem to take it as personal insult and harasment. Why?

It depends on the situation. Being pulled and ticked off for driving like a hoon is fair, and I agree, wind your kneck in, look sheepish and show you understand what you have done. However to be constantly pulled over by the police just so they can get a look at a car that is rare on the street is abuse of power. For me the last straw was being pulled for driving over a mini roundabout without bothering to try and go round it... (there was no space and the police officer knew that because he did the same thing.) By the way you will know the difference between being pulled because they have nothing better to do at that point, because their mind is not on the job...

In that situation I did have some good laughs with a couple of the guys and girls at the time.

But its funny since I got rid of the car I have never been stopped again...
syfaphonetic said:
no bubbles burst matey - it was fun and i was lucky. He was playing I was stooopid enuff to respond - aahhhh the youth of today eh john ? :rolleyes:

Essex police got a name for themselves for doing this down at Southend (not very clever in my view as they were provoking kids in fast tincans to drive too fast...)
lol Lambo......

6 months old - just about to trade in for the new version.... I have had the fortunate position of growing up with exotic and powerful sports cars - from the Rebuilt carbon and kevlar 'MGA' to the Aston Martin Vantage Volante, to the 355 Berlinetta's, GTS, 360 Modena, Modena F1 Spyder - Lambo Murrr Merrr ... Murereue .... Fast jobby To name my favourites... only put it on there cos Maff sounded hurt noone would play with him :D
I used to have a scoobie and took a bit of pleasure in toddling around in it at grandad speeds when boy racers attempted to race you from the lights...how many boy racers must have stuffed up there clutches trying to temp me to boot it and me creeping away as tho i had 2 mins to live. When you have the power you dont need to prove it. But the boy racers wanted to see you go.

Was going up the M606 behind a Rover 216. It had managed to get in the wrong lane and the driver deceide to stay there until he had crawled past whatver he wanted to overtake. He got to around 70ish (95) and pulled over. I went passed him as tho he was nailed to the floor. He was upset, i was laughing.

But I thought I Had grown up when I got the R171. But whilst it went back for a checkup they insisted I take out a SL 55AMG for a while (As tho was gonna refuse). Anyhow pulled onto a country lane and pootled along for a bit when out of nowhere came an STI Type Uk. Came up behind for a look. Could here it burble. So I thought well go on then, lets see what we have here and floored it. Ahem....the scoobie didnt even bother trying....which was good...but then I stopped for a few mins to re-arrange my interanl organs and up came the scoobi. Driver stopped and got out for a look. We had a good chat. He was really into the Merc. He kept asking me all about it...I really didnt have the heart to tell it wasnt mine. I felt a right fraud going hime that day.

Black lines on Thornton road are mine.....

Now if someone will just lend me an SL65 and i will be happy.

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