syfaphonetic said:
He was playing I was stooopid enuff to respond - aahhhh the youth of today eh john ?
I am never going to confess to being pursued by a Police Jaguar some 25 years ago.
When the situation warranted it, I pulled over, and the traffic vehicle pulled in behind me and its engine went 'bang'..............

Geat columns of steam started coming out of various openings around the bonnet and the engine kept over-running for a few minutes, then died.

We had been 'cruising' flat out for about twenty minutes, and the Police vehicle had really been struggling to keep pace.
Oh the joys of youth. I was driving a 3ltr Consul GT (A type of the very original Ford Granada) and was pursued a big Jaguar. Heh, heh. I was in the fortunate postion though of being able to laugh at the embarrassment of the officer. We made sure he could radio for assistance before a wheel spinning departure. Oh the joys of youth....
There is absolutely no place for racing on the highway, people are livingin a fantasy world if they genuinely believe they have 'out performed' the other vehicle. More likely the other vehicle has thankfully ended the so called contest early before any red-haze has descended.
Cars are not killers, it is the person behind the wheel. Owning a high performance vehicle not only needs a competant driver, it also requires a mature one!
I was authorised for my journey, I had undrgone many months of various driving courses.
Far better though to talk a good fight on this forum, rather than reproduce the act on the very busy highways of our beautiful country.
Just remember.... Be careful out there
John The Kill Joy