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Tracker or RAC Trackstar +

Flash said:
How many people here would want their cars back if recovered after theft out of interest?

My car was recovered after 30 days...

The Cops initially thought it might have been used in a murder (to move the body) as the theif was a suspect for the killing.

Turns out it was not involved.

They did have to examine the car pretty closely to check for forensic evidence and I am sure that despite what has been suggested here, the folks that drove my car whilst it was stolen did not treat it as well as I would have.

Sure, a Tracker would have got it back sooner, but I still wouldn't have wanted it.

Not wanting your car back after it has been stolen is not defeatist, it might just be borne out of sad experience - like too many folks who have been burgled at home - the house never quite feels the same again.

Back on topic....

Re the GPS think - I'd avoid it. I think you can buy your own - and then when you come to move the vehicle on, you can take the GPS system with you.

The major problem with these devices is they stay in the car - you can't uninstall them. I wouldn't want to tie in my GPS Speed system to that as well.

Swiss Toni said:
My car was recovered after 30 days...

Not wanting your car back after it has been stolen is not defeatist, it might just be borne out of sad experience - like too many folks who have been burgled at home - the house never quite feels the same again.


The defeatist comment was regarding:

Flash said:
My point is that no matter what secutiry system you have the Criminal Gangs will ALWAYS get to your car if they want too

Why do we bother to lock our cars and houses - surely if someone really want to break in they'd just do it :rolleyes:

I'd be quite happy to have my car back if it hadn't been damaged - would certainly be happy at not having to make a claim. If you drive a generic car that you feel you can replace easily then that's fine. To me my car is more than that. I get a discount on my insurance and the knowledge that if it get's stolen then more than likely it will be recovered and the thieves caught. I also have peace of mind knowing that I've done everything I can to safeguard my car.
As far as I can see, personal choice of whether to have it or not hardly comes into it, as it is your insurance company that mostly decides if these things are installed or not. For my E Class estate, I was required to have Tracker Monitor - one which notified you that your car was being stolen. I was very surprised by this as it is not exactly an SL.

Therefore, although I would prefer not to get it back, but I have no say in the matter.

My 2p worth. If you have GPS-based system, this will stop signalling the moment the car is under cover. I have no idea if crims take that into account when stealing vehicles. The Tracker system uses a stronger transmitter so this would (hopefully) still work if the vehicle was stored indoors, for example.

prprandall51 said:
As far as I can see, personal choice of whether to have it or not hardly comes into it, as it is your insurance company that mostly decides if these things are installed or not.

Hi - Depends on Insurance company. Churchill/Admiral/Norwich Union for example, dont specify that it is complusry requirement for tracking devise on a W211 (which is of of a higher market value than a top spec SL60 AMG R129 now!!!).

R129 is certianly not in that (complusory group) that has to have a tracking devise fitted anyway... :rolleyes:
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stats007 said:
The defeatist comment was regarding:

Why do we bother to lock our cars and houses - surely if someone really want to break in they'd just do it :rolleyes:

Ok then - if you want to then leave your car unlocked then do so BUT dont expect your insuarnce company to pay out for any subsequent claim... :D

There is a difference between "breaking in to a car" (your average chav job) and "stealing" the entire car for resale/stripping for parts (done by professional criminals/gangs) :rolleyes:
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prprandall51 said:
My 2p worth. If you have GPS-based system, this will stop signalling the moment the car is under cover. I have no idea if crims take that into account when stealing vehicles. The Tracker system uses a stronger transmitter so this would (hopefully) still work if the vehicle was stored indoors, for example.
This is why professional bike thieves use a refrigerated truck to hide the bike in, GPS/radio signals and alarm siren noises do not travel through the insulation and they can dismantle the bike to find any tracker and remove parts etc at their leisure.
Underground cars parks are suppsoed to stop signals fronm being detected too...
So, is the opinion of MB owners that I would be wasting my money having a Tracker fitted? My insurance company is Admiral and they do not insist on a Tracker or even give a discount if you have one. I guess that it comes down to piece of mind, although from what has been said, trackers can be quickly found and removed by pros. Hmmmmmm
It's up to you at the end of the day - have a read of this - VHF as well as GPS is used so that the signal isn't lost when in a container / underground etc.
I agree with stats to a point - you should do as much as you can to protect whats yours, but I agree with flash on his point that if they want it bad enough, they will have it!

On the tracker subject - its worth having one, but dont advertise the fact that you do!(do not stick a "tracker fitted" sticker) if you advertise they will look for the tracker, if you dont advertise they will more than likely just take the car and hopefully get caught!

An old trick with alarms was to stick an alarm sticker from another manufacturer, because some theives only learnt how to get around certain makes.
dagd said:
My insurance company is Admiral and they do not insist on a Tracker or even give a discount if you have one.

So clearly Admiral has made it's mind up...............
IanAlexander2 said:
So clearly Admiral has made it's mind up...............

MOst inusrance company's dont give a discount for having Tracker anyway and some just state it as being a "complusary" requirement to take out the Policy.

PS. There is a "Cartel" between some insurance companies and i.e. Tracker and the Insurance Company (s) gets commission too for making customers subscribe to Tracker;) - Royal Bank of Scotland bought out Tracker and if take out Motor Insurance policy with Royal Bank of Scotland then they will artifically inflate the premium so that it will seem like they giving the Policyholder a discount on the Policy if get Tracker or insist that some vehicles (depending on category have Tracker where other insurers would not be bothered and give no discount regardless...) :rolleyes:
Hi gents,

As this is my first post please don't be too harsh on me.....;)

FYI, Tracker retrieve requires the owner to inform the moitoring centre of the vehicles theft. Tracker Monitor is the same should the vehicle be taken with keys or is remotely triggered by a motion sensor if the vehicle is towed. Tracker horizon (the most expensive option) is Tracker Monitor with the addition of GPS information. All of these use VHF to send out a beacon signal that can only be recieved by a small percentage of police vehicles that are installed with the Tracker "Direction Finding" equipment.
The advantage of using a GPS based system is that the vehicle can be tracked by an operator at a pc terminal and by direct comms with the relevant police radio room can even direct a copper on a mountain bike to the location of the vehicle. This method also means that there is no need for high-speed pursuits as they can leisurely hang back until it is safe to pounce/box the vehicle in.

RAC Trackstar+ also uses GPS technology but with added customer features as mentioned (safe speed).

Unlike Vehicle security alarms/immobilisers, these (and many other) systems do not have a thatcham category, but instead have a rating 'Q'...

The 'next generation' of tracking system is now launched and will probably become the new industry standard rated by Thatcham as "Category 5".

This system will incorporate a fully covert system with starter inhibit and anti-hijack capabilities.

Category 5 systems are now available with one of the companies who supply and install this product being Trafficmaster (manufacturer of RAC Trackstar and Smartnav).

Any Vehicle security device should never be installed by an untrained technician (NOT DIY). Any tracking device is only as good as the installation.

I hope this is informative.....

Hi all, new here. Can I please check if a GLS comes with a Thatcham approved tracking device or not? My insurance company insists on having an Thatcham approved device in the car. Thanks for your response.
Saving money - if it is not an insurance requirement, what not consider/investigate an Apple Airtag?
Saving money - if it is not an insurance requirement, what not consider/investigate an Apple Airtag?
It is an insurance requirement and they have insisted that it need to be a Thatcham Approved tracking device without that I cannot take the insurance. Any idea where to get an approved one? Is for a new GLS 450d. Thanks
As suggested, the easiest option would be to speak to your dealer if it’s a new car, they should be able to help and arrange fitting before collection. They’ll almost certainly subcontract it to a third-party specialist.

If you’d prefer directly with the fitter then there are lots of tracker manufacturers and even more fitters to choose from. I would personally gravitate towards Smartrack (Global Telemetrics) and Tracker.

Ask for it to be fitted at the dealer before collection.

As suggested, the easiest option would be to speak to your dealer if it’s a new car, they should be able to help and arrange fitting before collection. They’ll almost certainly subcontract it to a third-party specialist.

If you’d prefer directly with the fitter then there are lots of tracker manufacturers and even more fitters to choose from. I would personally gravitate towards Smartrack (Global Telemetrics) and Tracker.

Ask for it to be fitted at the dealer before collection.

PS Vefore purchasing the tracker ask your insurer to confirm in writing any specific requirements of the tracker.

Many years ago was told by an insurer that I had to have a tracker fitted, any Thatcham approved tacker, so I installed the base model from Tracker. When I called back to switch the insurance over ready for collection I was asked which model and when I told them they said that it didn’t meet their requirements.

I explained that I was told any That ham approved tracker - and the person I spoke to said that wouldn’t be the case. I called back again, spoke to someone prepared to listen and it all got sorted. They listened to the call recording, spoke to the underwriter and it was sorted.

It could have turned out much worse, so when you have decided on the make and model idea of the tracker, check with them specifically before committing.

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