Excellent! Regarding the faults:
1. My W123 didn't have a front armrest - I got one from Mark Cosovich. Very easy to fit - PM me for details if you decide to buy one.
2. If all the dash lights are gone, it's probably a faulty rheostat - you can just bridge across as you'll want it on full brightness anyway. Individual bulbs are fairly easy to change - just take off the lower panel and push out the cluster from behind. You can buy the bulbs from Halfords.
3. The boot only has one bulb.
4. The seat squeak on my car was caused by the vinyl rubbing on the plastic cover where the seat back adjuster is mounted. Cured with a smear of vaseline.
Does the cruise work? They've nearly all failed by now.
Thanks for the info.
I dont know if the cruise control works. How could I have not asked the seller that?

Dash lights are failed rheostat and I'm going to get help to do exactly what you said about bridging. I will probably break something if I try to do it.
Thing about the boot light - I thought this one had two separate lights - both at the edge of the boot lid. I was tired when I saw the car, and first assumed they were the registration plate lights.
I do want an arm rest, but I dont know if I'll be able to find right colour. Although I've been told the blue cloth interior is common.
Picking it up on Friday. 3 days and counting.