<div class="bbWrapper"><blockquote data-attributes="" data-quote="mrnick969" data-source="post: 1721726"
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<a href="/goto/post?id=1721726"
data-content-selector="#post-1721726">mrnick969 said:</a>
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I managed to damage one of the ignition leads (ht leads) on my w124 300e 24v. Would someone be able to advise me on whether the 24 valve m104 engine requires different leads to the 12v engines? Some cheap sets on ebay suggest they fit both types whereas eurocarparts and gsf suggest the m104 engine requires a much more expensive set?<br />
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Ideally I would only replace one lead as the others seem to be in great condition but I cant seem to find anywhere to get just one lead. So If anyone could point me in the direction of a place I can buy a single lead that would be good. <br />
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Thanks <br />
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For one lead, MB, definitely.<br />
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Also, after many years with this engine, do not be tempted by anything but the best ignition parts. For me, that means MB followed by Beru or Bosch ONLY.<br />
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I've regretted cheap replacements.<br />
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Great engine, in my opinion.<br />
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