Red C220
MB Enthusiast
The 7 mile stretch of road from work to my old home village is an absolute nightmare to drive. There are houses on both sides of the road virtully non stop , and as most of them were built pre 1950 there is no provision for a driveway let alone a garage , so everybody has to park on the road. How on earth are people going to be able to charge their EVs, will they have to run the cable across the footway,what plans are there to install charging points in the kerbline ? What happens on Sunday morning when you realise that the singing you heard last night was the drunk diconnecting all the charging cables as he staggered home and dumping them all over the nearest bridge.
You can't pull a cable out of an EV mid charge without unlocking the car with the keyfob.
Even the two cars I've used which both have keyless entry, when they were unlocked you still need to physically press the unlock button to be able to remove the charge cable. I know this as it took me about 20 minutes to figure out how to get the cable out of the thing the first time I charged it.
Otherwise what's to stop people pulling up at occupied charge points, pulling the cable out of your car and charging theirs?
So much of the angst and agenda against EV's is creating scenarios that simply don't even exist.