In 1991 I bought a new Honda CRX. And I was unfortunate enough to suffer a flat very early on in the piece.
I found the factory provided tool kit wasn't much help, those miniature tyre irons don't give you any leverage.
I remember thinking how feeble it would be to call the road service, so I rang a mate who I knew would be passing by shortly. He's a big burly Italian guy.
No surprise, he made a few jokes at my expense before he went to try his hand at the tyre iron. But the nuts were so locked up that he actually lifted the car off the ground when he gave it an almighty hoik!
So after he failed, I felt okay about calling road service. The guy tried a pole on the end of my tyre iron but that failed too, so all he did was put air into my tyre and told me to scoot straight back to the dealer to sort out, which I did.
The service guys ended up cutting the nuts off, greasing the studs and put new chromed nuts on as replacements.
And if all of the above wasn't bad enough for one morning, silly me had actually phoned the office and told them where I was and what was happening... so by the time I got in to work, the whole place wanted to know what it was like to have your nuts cut off and if I was happy with my chromed replacements!