I had no intention of even posting, but...
Couple of days ago driving home in the dark when an orange light appeared on the dashboard - immediate palpitations! Fortunately, being a switched-on type of guy, I noticed the N/S main beam had gone out.
The following day I took myself to Halfords, Galashiels where I lashed out £14.99 for a pair of 'Super Brilliance' H4s. (two for one offer)
What with the likes of this and Flash's posts and many previous discussions, I wasn't going to try to be clever, so 'up to 50% brighter' was good enough for me!
Back home, I extended my automotive DIY skills to the max and changed the bulbs all by myself
. Switched on and the orange dash light came on and no N/S main beam.
I then remembered the good advice given many times on this Forum about C124 fuses and gave fuse 15 and its terminals a damn good doing with emery paper. And, Lo, there was light.
Why, you may ask, did I not check the fuses first? Well, and I tell no lie, after 17 years and 126k miles the car is still on its original bulbs, so I could hardly be surprised if one failed now. But, in fact, it hadn't.
Flash's link made me smile where it stated his new-fangled bulbs had a life of c2500 hours. Bwahahahah...
Anyhoo, the Halfords efforts are an improvement - s'pose it wouldn't be hard tho'...