This might be a bit obvious but is the car prepped for winter use even if it won't be used on the road?
I mean winter friendly liquids like coolant and, often missed, windscreen wash.
Indeed it is and a good point you make.
I'm just being more **** than usual with this car as I really do not want it to suffer any further woes. My plan, with this coming summer, is to drive it and enjoy the better weather, being able to get out to some of the MBClub Meets. I missed the entire quota of last summers meeting schedule, when the engine blew up on the way to Charles Morgan's meeting.
As I wrote this post it occurred that others, like me, may benefit from from the experience of members who have laid up older cars over the winter.
I have seen the destruction caused by mice, rats and squirrels and (not in winter) a giant wasps nests appearing in a friends treasured MKI Bubble Arch Escort. I live in he countryside where vermin can be an issue, hence the Rat & Mouse Poison.
I my own case. I trashed the perfect paintwork on a Ferrari 355 with an indoor cover that transferred it's weave pattern into the paint over the winter months, when the car was garaged. This has left me with a fear of indoor covers.
All this and then you get those who do nothing and never have an issue. The ones who's gran smoked a hundred fags a day, while scoffing a bottle of Jack Daniels and lived to 115.
My luck of late with cars dictates that any thing that can go wrong will go wrong.