Thinking of putting a spare 500GB USB Disk I have (Western Digital Passport drive) in my new car when it arrives as I understand I can connect these as well as an iPod etc.
Has anyone connected a USB disk and is there anything special I need to do (folder structure, disk format etc.)?
Can I...
You heard it here first ;)
There is a new Hard disk comand system map update just been released. Here are the details;
This is the latest V3.0 Hard Disk COMAND map update released November 2009.
The 2 DVDs are inserted into your Hard Disk COMAND and the system then updates the map on...
Evening all,
I'm looking for a proper service manual for my W209. I know theer are various manuals/disks available on feabay for next to nothing but where can I buy such from a puka source at a decent price?
The new COMAND (NTG2) map DVD for A/B/W203-C/CLK/ML/GL/R/Spinter/Vito/Viano with DVD based navigation system has just been released.
Its Version 11.0
We don't yet really know whats different in it, but has limited stock.
It definetly only has 5 digit post-codes, and...
For members here with the Cd based Comand system Teleatlas have just released the latest navigation disk.
The new disk is 2009/2010 with TMC and major roads of western Europe.
They claim there are 35,000 updates to the road system on this new disk.
There are deals to be had on this;)
I've just built a new pc and thought I would incorporate an old spare hard disk to use for storing accounts backups.
Pc is working fine except:
1) on start up it asks to chose wich operating system to use - it will not start of the old disk (Win ME) so the only option is the new disk (Win...
took the plunge and bought the v8 update dvd for my sat nav.
i hear you can get the display to show miles to go and eta without pressing info? can anyone tell me how?
also the screen now shows yellow and red cars indicating traffic jams where it didnt do this before.....are there any...
Hi Folks,
I have been having a tidy up and don't have anywhere to put all my CD's now (other than in the loft) where I won't be able to play them...
I'm looking at getting a large (external) hard drive so I can put all of them on (over 300 CD's) so I can play if I wish. I was thinking of a...
To avoid the usual (cosmetic) rusty hub problem I'd like to paint the centre of my new brake disks. Can I get away with normal silver Hammerite for this? Not sure how hot the centre of the disk gets ... the wheel it's bolted to must act as a pretty good heat sink.
I went into Halfords last...
I have got a 2002 CLK (W209) with COMAND in it and was after a new nav disk for it (just want to update it basically) and am wondering what disk I need to get and where is best to get it from ? It sounds like ebay is a bit questionable with the copied disks from the thread a few beneath so am...
Yikes !!! I've looked at previous threads and have to admit to being confused as to what is te latest edition now. My local dealer says v8.0 part no B 6782 3743 is the latest for my vehicle. However, other info I have received seems to suggest this part no does not fit the w211 and that v 6.3 is...
I have a promotional video clip that someone has made for me, the file is in 2 formats mpg (237mb & AVI 388mb).
I need to upload it to youtube but there is a limit of 100mb per file.
Are there any programs (free) that can reduce its size without losing to much quality? I have...
As per title, one genuine Tele Atlas France 2004 disk. I used this last year in my CLK C209 without problems. Got us to where we wanted to go and back! As I no longer have the Merc, thought I'd offer it up for grabs. PM me if interested.
Works on APS comand units 1.0 and 2.0. Is TMC enabled...
With TMC Traffic coding. Europe-wide. Suitable for W211 E-class, S-class (09/03 - 09/05), SL (from 07/04), CL (from 09/03) (and all those Maybachs out there). Genuine, as new. MB will charge you £219 + VAT. I'm asking £150.
PM me.
I have not lost my mind, I have it backed up on disk somewhere...
Or so I hoped to do...
I just grabbed an old compaq server off eBay (2 processors, I can fit 4 - pentium xeons, 700mhz each - some ludicrous amount of ram at max (I've been offered a 16Gb ram card for it... its 16 1gb pc133...
I have a sdflash telematics update disk that i am led to believe i just put into the cd player and it can update the system.
Does anyone know how to make the cd run???
I upgraded to a new APS Map Disk 6.1 for my C Class.
Prior to using this disc, my older v5 disc used to show up the satellites, altitude etc. These features seem to have disapeared??
The SAT NAV works OK with TMC etc, but I am missing the satellites and altitude features. I have loked...
I stupidly took out the cd from the satnav on my car to have a look . Now putting it back in it keeps saying its not the satnav cd. Anyone got any clues??? It is the original disk for England.
It a 2002 CL600.