Not too long ago on recommendation from another quite well known member I had my E Class W211 retro fitted for Comand by Braybrooks. Neil from Braybrooks seemed a nice chap and after about 20 mins and £385 later he installed the wiring. Sadly unbeknown to me the navigation module was broken...
Theres a note up at my MB dealer saying anyone with comand-aps V5.0 disk can swop it for a 5.1 disk [for E/CLS/SL/SLK/S/CL] if they have bought it this year or got the new car this year [Greenoaks of Bracknell, at the parts counter]
So hurry on down to your local dealer and swop your disks...
Came across this on eBay:
P/N's shown are:
A 169 827 36 59
B6 782 36 74
which would seem to indicate slightly later DVD than V6.1 (B6 782 3641).
Anyone know the difference between V6.1 & V6.2?
As we all know there are various sellers on the popular auction site selling copies of the above programs and what i want to know is:-
1) Are they worth buying?
2) What exactly do they contain? How to's?
3) What should you be paying for them?
Then again should i just get a Haynes?
Ive just been told by my friendly German dealer that they have just sent me my copy of 6.1 for A/B/C/CLK/Smart-ForFour
It is meant to have TMC for UK in it. Mine will arrive in a day or two and I will confirm that
It will be much cheaper to buy it from Germany than from UK ...
The retail...
i want to create a backup copy of my tele atlas 2006 dx disk so i dont scratch the original. does anybody know of any software that will perform this task?......... :rock:
i have a mb update cd i follow the instructions on the disk
1. insert cd
2. turn off unit, ignition and remove keys.
3. press * # and on at the same time
4. press start
5. the screen goes onto checking disk and goes blank after 10 sec's
Quality piece of kit. The dealer said there are no text warnings of traffic jams. Err he's a bit misinformed there. Even if you are in normal map mode if you hit the tailback button and then click on "TMC Traffic Info" it will then show you pages of traffic info by text e.g...
M6 Motorway...
Im about to purchase a new Tele Atlas Disk for my Comand 2.0, Is it worth going for the TMC enabled disk? Does TMC work ok with the comand 2.0. I heard something about 2 TMC versions, and the comand uses the older one.
I have seen the following posted on ebay - anyone know what benefits (if any) this upgrade give to comand 2.0 owners ?
Anyone got United Kingdom - Ireland DX 2005/2006 - ITIS (TMC) - ViaMichelin - TravelPilot DX - Special Edition yet - would be interested in purchasing ! PM me with details.
I've a 2002 registered SL500 and live in London - I've inadvertently broken my sat nav disk and can't be persuaded to pay the £165 Mercedes are asking for a new one.
Anyone know where i can buy a second hand one?
Will a disk from another Mercedes model work in my Command unit...
I am willing to pay good money if anyone has a Spain/Portugal nav disk for my Blaupunkt Travel Pilot. They are £95 new!
So if you're just back from Spain and need to re-coup your bar bill, please let me know......
I'm aware that my UK disk has major routes for Spain, but that's not quite...
Is it possible to copy a dvd based nav disk, i used the programs i normally copy dvd films but its coming up as un-identified formatt.
suggestions welcome.
Just playing around with a laptop sometime boots sometimes doesnt. narrowed the fault down to the HD and replace it, all is fine with the new drive. On trying to format the old drive, disk formatted and then after Format complete came up with 'Unable to write Boot' Is that terminal?? Its a 20GB...
Title says it all really. This came out of my W211 E Class.
NOTE : - It is a DVD not CD
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