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  1. Borys

    I love UK my new favourite drink

  2. G

    Your favourite termination type?

    Err, your gadget's wire termination type that is :bannana: Getting ready to introduce a small gadget for MB (and other marques) enthusiasts, and am wondering what would be the best way to do the in/out wires: it's a small box (73x43x23mm) that will have 4 wires (2-IN; 2-OUT). It's a...
  3. A

    What's your Favourite

    I've had a few cars in my life, more bikes than cars really:p But got say this ST170 was one of the most fun I had with a car and it never missed a beat the old devil And this with the grills blacked up
  4. A

    My favourite 1/18 scale Car

    These are some shots of my best de-cast car I own, all my other 9 are rally cars from 60s to 2000s Only got 10 cars in total, mostly rally but love the old lemans cars, im after a GT40 in the gulf colours and also the Birdcage as well, these would finish my lemans collection off nicely, plus...
  5. S

    Easter Specials at my favourite place...

    My favourite website I noticed has Easter specials on whilst I was stocking up earlier on wheel cleaner... EASTER SAVINGS
  6. D

    Favourite Avatars

    OK, just a lil fun. (Can you tell I'm bored and off work???) Tell us which members Avatar you like/scares/funny etc. Mine is KillerHERTZ It scares me but can't stop looking at it. :crazy: Ant
  7. Red C220

    My new favourite colour

    I've always liked Almandine Black. A rich deep plum colour makes certain cars look really nice. However I stumbled across this over the weekend and it looks lovely. Of course the car helps, but just look at it. Amethyst Red. Used 2012 ASTON MARTIN VANQUISH COUPE V12 2+2 Touchtronic Auto for...
  8. C240Sport97

    my current favourite MB colour

    saw this coveline blue E class saloon today. sensational colour, lots of presence and interest, but not shouty.
  9. PXW

    My favourite job of the year

    Yes, it's come around again - my letter from DVLA reminding me that my tax disc is due. Love it! Went online immediately and did the deed, as I do each year. I see no point at all in waiting! Of course it's all a bit different when it's my daily driver that needs taxing rather than the 42 year...
  10. ItalianTuneUp

    What are your top 3 favourite MB gizmos?

    What are your top 3 favourite MB gizmos? If you have a SWMBO, are her favourites the same? Mine would have to be: 1. Climate control 2. Parktronic 3. Cruise control This might be a chance to learn what useful gizmos/options exist and why people like them.
  11. Dave Richardson

    Favourite Shampoo

    I've used Zaino, Duragloss 901 & Wolf's car shampoo's all recommended on detailing world at some point or another. Just about to run out & wanting to buy a new bottle, thinking of Bilt Hamer of Chemical Guys 'Citrus Wash' What do you use or hate ? :dk::dk::dk::dk:
  12. CLA180SPORT

    One of my favourite features.

  13. N

    My Favourite W124 towing my Favourite W124 Cabriolet

  14. D

    Your favourite photo of the day!

    I thought that we often see stuff that we think is really cool and so why not have a "Photo of the day" thread. I'll start the ball rolling with Nikki Lauda "trying a bit"! He has only one wheel on the ground:bannana:
  15. jonnyMercUK

    Favourite Driving Music

    So with all the technology that the Mercedes have these days, I was driving to work this morning switching between playing music over bluetooth/the radio and playing music from the usb stick (it's a long drive!), with all the music I have available I just could not find a song I wanted to listen...
  16. HB

    Whats your favourite colour combo

    Ive seen a Merc with the most insane combo... Obsidian Black Sclass with a Bright Orange interior in America...the guy who ordered should be in jail for it. Whats your favourite combination ? Mine is Mid/Dark Grey with a Tan interior.
  17. D

    My favourite advert at the moment!

    Specsavers 'Garage' Free Kids Glasses - YouTubeWrong remote:) Specsavers 'Garage' Free Kids Glasses - YouTube
  18. Londonscottish

    E63 in this month's EVO - Chris Harris's favourite daily driver ever

    Have look at this month's EVO. Chris Harris, who has run a string of intersting metal in Autocar/Driver's Republic/EVO reckons his outgoing E63 is the best daily driver he's ever had. Note in the last few years he's had Focus RS/Lambo/C55/RS4/E320 Sport/E55 IIRC/E220 and now E63. He's also...
  19. Baron_Samedi

    Saving Favourite Locations In Comand

    Hi All, Quick question - how does one save a favourite location in Comand? W209, MY 2006... which ever version of Comand that is :rolleyes:
  20. MercFanUk

    Whats your favourite Mercedes?

    Personally, I'd have a nice w198 gull wing SL. Just oozes class and style of an era gone by. Perfect styling IMO. Of course I'm not loaded though, so it'll never happen!
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