I was about to order some leather treatment - however I have just discovered a rip in my leather where I picked up a friend from the pub last night.. to make matters worse I discovered it after I had taken the roof off and discovered a rip in the 'plexi-glass' on my back soft top which has been...
Hey all,
I just filled up the car tonight and after that I was giving it some stick...
Anyway, is it me or is it reality that, the car is reasonably slower when the tank is full, due to the heavy petrol carried by the car?
Or am I talking total bullpoo?
Your driving on to a motorway, someone with a faster car blasts past or tail gates you, you catch up in a little bit and the stupid idiot sits in the fast lane at around 75 MPH and just wont get out the way and he/she continues to drive level with the middle lane driver with a whole road ahead...