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    new police merc.??

    pc jones said, it was a pig to start,, oooooh, terrible, i know,, :D
  2. Pietre

    Police Sponsored By Companies In Locality

    Does this mean as stated in todays Times that local companies will be sponsoring bobbies on the beat? I wonder if they were sponsored by Tesco we could get the groceries delivered at the same time? To be honest I wonder where all of tax pounds are going as the Gov appear to be trying to get...
  3. PJH

    Police force speeding figures

    BBC link
  4. PJH

    Mobile Police Station caught speeding !!

    Jobsworth or Bloodworth :D
  5. jeremytaylor

    Poor Police driving

    Earlier this week we had news of the Met Police big wig only getting a ticking off for allowing his driver to drive at 82 in a 40 limit because he was late for a meeting. Yesterday, I was driving up the A3 Kingston by-pass (6-lane dual carriageway with a 50 limit and quite a few scameras for...
  6. Flyer

    M6 Preston, Unmarked Police

    Just a heads-up for anyone using the M6 around the Preston area; been up that way today and saw an unmarked, silver MB C-class estate pull someone over. He did have the blues in the grill and lights in the rear window/boot, but apart from that, no give-aways. Keep 'em peeled :D
  7. PJH

    Essex Police Speeding Survey

    Primerily for Essex roads' users Essex Police Survey
  8. Maff

    CL55 v German Police

    Driving to Vienna last week from Frankfurt, and no-one managed to overtake me - until I got within 20 miles of the Austrian boarder, and a BMW 5 series decides to pull up next to me (I was in the 'slow' lane at 90mph). Two chaps in it look at me, then speed off. I started to accelerate, then...
  9. D

    Taste Police Required

    I have just parked next to a C Class that has used chrome trim on a roll to do all his wheel arches, all his lights, across his boot lid and over his rear spoiler. Set off with totally inappropriate wheels from a Nova or something!:crazy: :crazy: :eek:
  10. T

    Force lets 59 police off speeding

    BBC report published here in response to direct request from the 159mph copper 'not guilty' thread: -------------------------------------------- A police force has let off 59 of its own drivers caught speeding. The marked vehicles, which were being used for operational purposes, were...
  11. marc777

    W211 crash with police car - the result

    Anil found a website in Germany for W211's. On it I found this picture. Very thought provoking - it appears to show the result of a crash at 150 kph between W211 and a Police Skodia Felicia. I know which car I would want to be in....any German translation of the following available? The...
  12. SEM

    Police Join Queue In M6 Toll Chases

    Police Join Queue In M6 Toll Chases From Auto Express It sounds like a story from the Keystone Cops, but amazingly, police patrolling the M6 Toll have to queue up to pass through the barriers - even if they're on 999 duty. Following our issue 838 exposé on how the Midlands motorway is...
  13. Satch

    Police Accept Toys in Exchange for Payment of Speeding Tickets

    Try telling that to Gordon Brown. Police Accepting Toys in Exchange for Payment of Tickets RANSON, West Virginia- If you have a speeding ticket in Ranson, you may want to head to the toy store. As a part of their program `Slow Down for the Holidays,` Ranson Police are dismissing...
  14. D

    Police driving standards & attitude

    Hi, I've just had a run-in with the local constabulary that has left me fuming :mad: . I had just picked my wife and son up from our local railway station and we were returning home. The route took us up a hill past Greenwich Park and past a school where there is an elaborate "traffic calming"...
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