Anyone care to recommend a cheap and effective iphone/laptop based fault code reader that would work well with a late 2007 MB?
Won't be using it for any DIY work at this stage (car is under warranty still) and appreciate without in depth knowledge some fault codes may be misleading/useless but...
Can I get the error codes out of my car without access to a real star machine? Nothing clever, just read codes.
Ebay seems to have dozens of readers, but are they any good?
This, for example?
Mercedes OBD2 Car Engine Diagnostic Fault Code Scanner Reset Tool OBDII CANBUS | eBay
Was thinking of getting a basic diagnostic reader to read fault codes, nothing to fancy just a basic model to read and maybe reset the codes. Ive seen loads on ebay but am warry of them. Anyone bought one and can advise one for me ive got an 02 cdi270
Is it worth me buying a code reader ? I'd be keen on mowing what the faults are on my car. Although I wouldn't fix them myself unless I only had to press a reset button on the reader..And everything was fixed
Can anyone recommend a decent code reader, and how much do they cost ?
Now I know star is the ultimate Mercedes diag tool but I don't have the funds to buy star are the little universal fault readers really no good?
I was looking at
Diagnostic Fault Error Code Reader Tool for Mercedes Benz A C E S Class Reader | eBay
Anybody got experience with this or similar...
Hiya, I've got a w210 e320 estate year 2000, and not wanting to buy a STAR, which I'm sure are still worth an arm & a leg (?) can anybody recommmend which make of fault code reader I should get & where I can get one from?
Thanks in advance,
I am looking for a diagnostic scanner for the above engine but before I purchace one I would like to know if anyone can recommend one? I have read about MBStar but it is well out of my price range and I am only after basic P codes as the EPC light is on.
I know the plug is the round...
I have seen this on ebay is it a Carsoft manufacturer?
Item number: 270814987570
has anybody used this on OBD 38 pin connections? live data? transmission codes available?
Just reporting back after getting a £6 lead to adapt the 32pin round socket to OBD standard.
Seems to do the trick :
Codes are from my messing about over the weekend (I think). I'll see if any come back after a drive the car for a while.
Hi all,
Was hoping to get a compatible SD card reader for my CL, the only one appears to be from germany and at £229 seems alot...does anyone know someone in the UK whose got 1 for sale...have already looked on ebay etc...
Mercedes Player MP40 - Mercedes Player
I have a U581 code reader and have used it on a few different cars and it loads up the data quickly,however I have a MY 07 220 CDI CLK and it goes through the process then when it gets to "uploading data" it seems to freeze. does anyone with a U501 and has used it on an MB had a similar result...
Do these work?
OBD2 Universal Diagnostic Scan Tool Auto code reader on eBay (end time 09-Jan-11 07:02:24 GMT)
Is it one of those things that in the wrong hands is... well, bad?
What is my easiest option for being able to use a USB stick or memory card for MP3 / Audio??
Do some factory audio units come with this option or am I looking at an aftermarket unit...
Maybe a cd unit that could read MP3 could be an option??
Advice appreciated
I have only just got my 2003 C230K Coupe but would like to be able to read codes should they be triggered.
I have seen normal odb2 readers that display the codes directly on their screens but I have just seen a odb2 - usb interface with software for about £25 on ebay and wondered if anyone had...
Hi all,
OK, have asked this question before but that was a while ago and maybe just maybe there will be new electronic equipment about on the market.
I have a 1996 C230K and the Fault code reader connection is the old dreaded round 38pin socket.:mad:
I have seen this for sale on Amazon...
hi all
i have a clk200k it is a w208 and is a x reg(2000). now i am looking to buy a cheap code reader for this and have seen this on amazon.
U480 CAN-Bus OBDII OBD2 EOBD Trouble Code Read Diagnose: Electronics & Photo
now i know i will need an adaptor lead from 38 pin to 16 pin...