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I think the sentence is pretty fare. Courts take into account the overall impact on your life, and overall, the impact is massive for Ant, losing the Suzuki advertising contract etc.

I.e, if the benefit thief living across the street from me were to be given a 6 week custodial sentence, he'd save on his leccy bill, i'd lose my job. A court will take things like that into account, and maybe hand me a suspended sentence, a large fine and community service work instead.
Ban is reduced to 15 months by completing the drink-drive referral programme during the next 12 months, which he will.

Loss is earnings is certainly to do with tarnished reputation, but that's what the legal process is for.

It's not the fine that hurts, it's the loss of future incomes - which is why our legal system breeds reoffenders.

No, it's definitely 20 months, what might or not might happen in the future is irrelevant at this point.

20 months ban.
The driving ban and it's duration is irrelevant all together for Ant McPartlin as he can obviously afford taxis and/or chauffeur driven cars everywhere he goes.

It's the massive fine, loss of earnings and loss of future earnings, reputation damage, etc that's the hammer blow in this sentencing.

Besides, even if 20 months got reduced to 15, do you not think if he jumped into a car after 15 months, paparazzi are going to be all over it, I can imagine the headlines now. It really isn't about how soon he's aloud to drive again. It's the financial damage, and how he and his PR consultants reverse the damage done to his character.
The driving ban and it's duration is irrelevant all together for Ant McPartlin as he can obviously afford taxis and/or chauffeur driven cars everywhere he goes.

It's the massive fine, loss of earnings and loss of future earnings, reputation damage, etc that's the hammer blow in this sentencing.

Besides, even if 20 months got reduced to 15, do you not think if he jumped into a car after 15 months, paparazzi are going to be all over it, I can imagine the headlines now. It really isn't about how soon he's aloud to drive again. It's the financial damage, and how he and his PR consultants reverse the damage done to his character.

Mike, I was not expecting to see an error like this from you. :eek::D
I think the sentence is pretty fare. Courts take into account the overall impact on your life, and overall, the impact is massive for Ant, losing the Suzuki advertising contract etc.

I.e, if the benefit thief living across the street from me were to be given a 6 week custodial sentence, he'd save on his leccy bill, i'd lose my job. A court will take things like that into account, and maybe hand me a suspended sentence, a large fine and community service work instead.

The fine is bullsh1t.

Whilst I don't condone what he did, like many others who can afford to pay he's been taken for a Gareth Hunt by a failing criminal justice system.

Somewhere in the region of 50% of fines go unpaid which costs the government tens of millions every year:

Quarter of billion in court fines written off

That's why you see so many no-marks on various "late night cops" TV programmes crashing stolen cars and being disqualified from driving (even though they've never held a licence) and being fined 300 quid (that they will never pay) or fighting with the police at chucking-out time and receiving an £80 fixed penalty.

Governments realised a long time ago that there is little point in fining those who can't or won't pay and instead have taken draconian steps against those who can and will. Those cameras catching people waiting for 15 seconds in a box junction and fining them £150 are there for a reason.

Despite the unquestionable foolishness of want he did, there was £86,000 on the line and for those with good incomes who are faced with the prospect of huge fines there must be a temptation to say to the judge or magistrate "F*ck you, c*nt" and instead elect to spend 3 weeks lying on their bed on A wing playing computer games all day and whiling away the evenings chatting to their missus on a mobile phone extracted from their cell mate's ar$e whilst smoking a Camberwell Carrot.
You okay?
Too late ...
The fine is bullsh1t.
Whilst I don't condone what he did, like many others who can afford to pay he's been taken for a Gareth Hunt by a failing criminal justice system.

Somewhere in the region of 50% of fines go unpaid which costs the government tens of millions every year:

I know, and those gits pee me off too. But because there are lowlives out there with untraceable identities who'll not pay fines and are uneconomical to pursue, that means those who can and will pay their fines shouldn't be fined appropriately, be that a portion of their income? It's a separate issue, and shouldn't impact on the sentencing of those who living on the other end of the social spectrum.

Are you saying the fine should be less? If he was fined £2k, it'd be if anything a bad thing for his PR. Paying such a hefty fine, accepting all responsibility, and going into rehab are all the moves he needs to make to be seen as having paid his dues and "done the time" for the crime and be accepted back into...

... gimme a minute...

... ahem. the public's hearts...

The big punishment is the massive damage to the "Ant & Dec" brand, everything the court imposed is insignificant.
I think he badly messed up, but to be fair he pleaded guilty rather than having a smart **** lawyer fight his case. Apologised, will pay the fine and serve his ban. None of us are whiter than white, everyone has made a mistake at some point. Fortunately nobody was badly hurt in the crash and he said sorry. I hate drink drivers but think he behaved properly after the event.
We can reflect that most, if not all of us will know a ‘drink driver’. No surprises here, they don’t have two heads or physical criminal profiles. Many will not see themselves, or be seen as ‘drink drivers’ and those who are identified as such, are done so when caught.

There is an entire generation(s) who will not consider themselves criminal over ‘a quick glass’. Being caught is their wake up call.

So when I hear people say “I hate them”. I am reminded that you probably hate their crime and not “them”.

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He looked more than twice the limit when he got out of his car.

If I was in that state my mother wouldn’t have let me drive let alone get in a car with me.

I hope he gets the help he needs.
So if unemployed you pay no fine?
No, instead you get PAID from the benefits system the amount of the fine.........
Talk of fines that can't be collected....

A lady working for us had her car broken into some years back and items stolen.

Police caught the thief and he was convicted and she was awarded £350 in victim compensation.

Which was a joke because most of these victim condensations can not be realistically collected.... definitely not by the victim, and quite often not by the bailiffs either.

Needless to say she never saw a penny.
He made a mistake & has admitted it. He seems remorseful and genuinely sorry which is all positive. However a crime is a crime & it is a conscious one & not a mistake. He knew what he was doing. It was lucky for all especially him that it wasn't worse as it easily could have been.

I don't really have much sympathy to be honest as he has a blessed existence & earns 130k per week. These guys & this level have a lot to lose & should remember that & where they came from. Maybe a better sentence would be to lose all he has for 20 months & live a normal average existence like the rest of us.
He did what he did and this time he got caught, what I can't understand is, with Policing at an all time low due to cuts here and there, many young and old being Stabbed or Shot on the Streets of London, why so many Police were required outside the Courthouse just because he was being Prosecuted! :wallbash::wallbash:o_O

PS: My Son is a Policeman and I will be asking him the same question!

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