mine had the same symptoms last year. car lost power and sounded like it was running on 3 cylinders at some times. It started after having a B service from one of the stealer, first I thought that they may have changed the timing but I don't think that they ever touch this thing as part of the service. I had this feeling but not 100% sure that they may have swapped my MAF with a faulty one because I only felt this power loss the moment I drove the car after that service. problem gone worst till one morning after starting it up, loud popping sound was coming from the engine for few seconds and stopped when the engine was hot. took the car to the garage, the mechanic had a used MAF so he swapped it with my one then test drove the car. car was running sweet after the swap. purchased a new MAF and cost me nearly £400 incl. labour and vat. car was under warranty so didn't mind the cost. Car is a C180 with 55k miles on that time. It went in for an A service last week so had to make sure that my nearly new MAF stays so I etched my initials on it. I also put a cellotape on parts that they will change just to make sure that if it break open that means that they've done their job. Just be careful with your MAF everytime you hand-in your car to a garage as it only takes minutes to change it with a faulty one.