Hardcore MB Enthusiast
And now for something completely different! I still can't get my head round why the car runs when the you remove the OVP since you are temporarily disabling the ECU which controls the mixture via the electrohydraulic pressure regulator. If that fails the EHPR goes to a default (limp home position) which is where you probably are with the OVP disconnected. A couple of things occur. the EPHR has a fuel cut off function which is mainly governed by the position of the throttle valve switch plus ignition data. If the switch is faulty you may be getting fuel cut off. The first thing to try is to disconnect the EHPR rather than the OVP and see what happens. If the car runs then you can explore further since there are many things to influence mixture control other than the ones I have mentioned but my first port of call would first be the throttle switch.
I can go along with you on this, I always have to start with basics, first thing always the power supply, do I have what should be there, in terms of the correct voltages at all points, failure to do this and you can run around in circles, the point is that the car was made to run with the OVP relay in, so whats the point in buggering around with it out.
In the motor trade 90% of all faults are basic, and voltages tell all