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500E 1991 Fan Viscose Coupling renewal

I can't remember, I just did it 1 litre at a time as I mixed it. Be sure to have your heater on full in the cabin. 50/ 50 mix.

I can't remember, I just did it 1 litre at a time as I mixed it. Be sure to have your heater on full in the cabin. 50/ 50 mix.


System topped up and engine running, just let it get warm and see what happens. Coolant level should be about 1.5cm above level indicator when hot I believe.

.ermm ASR light has come on ??

switched her off and back on and light has gone out. ........


car been running ten minutes min now with plenty rev and not gone over 80 yet.....looking good

messed up a bit putting dist water/af in though she def needs more af, whats the easiest way to drain af without jacking car up
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Shamelessly stolen from K6JRFs page.


Take off the plastic cover infront of your airbox (The large oblong one) and you will see the sensor.

Be careful removing it though as they can be tight.


Yes that does work. Is it ok to leave this off if the new vis coup replacement has not helped with the overheating?

Apparently if you have to tap the 2 x aux fans for them to come on then theres a problem with the bushes in the fans...can anyone confirm this?

has anyone ever replaced these fans, or bushes or reconditioned the existing bushes?


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I'm not sure as i've not had any problems with my auxillary fans to make me have a look at them. They do work harder than most though so should be checked out.

I wouldn't have them on permanently as you may damage them when running at speed. The real test for the cooling system is to drive the car to get it completely hot, then stop and let it idle, it's the worst condition for cooling as your vscous fan is only going at slow speed and your waterflow is also very low.

If you can get an IR Thermometor i'd be checking for hot spots on your radiator.

As for draining out the coolant, mine had (Before it broke) a bleed valve on top of the thermostat housing which you could use, obviously use this after it has cooled down though.

If you intend to keep the car for a while then i'd definitely get genuine fans, for peace of mind, but i'm a broken record in that department :p .

The ASR light coming on is quite a regular occurence in these cars, especially if damp so I wouldn't worry about it at the minute.

Good luck and I hope the clutch has worked out ok.

Apparently if you have to tap the 2 x aux fans for them to come on then theres a problem with the bushes in the fans...can anyone confirm this?

You mean the brushes. That was my first thought when you mentioned it, but it would be worth checking for bad connections before going down the route of replacement.
A rotating components reconditioner MIGHT be able to re brush them for you.
Overheating problem cont........

Good news, after changing viscose coupling and coolant, all seems ok. have just driven to Leeds and then back again 5 hours later (140 miles round trip approx) and all seems ok. Gauge was hitting 80-90 on the motorway. When I arrived at Leeds I let her tick over for a while and temp went no higher than 100!.....looks like that has solved that issue and yes car is noisier.

I have also ordered a cooling harness from Jim Forgione

Just need to sort those 2 x aux fans now!

By the way the Air Con does not work, gas is out and it needs specking to the new gas. The fans wouldnt be effected because theres not enough gas in the system to operate the air con would it, I shouldnt think so, but thats another job I need to get done, obvioulsy the old/original system ran on R12.........

Did take the car in to a local compnay and they said just a valve or two........any comments/advice would be appreciatted....

and thanks everybody for all the advice so far...

Good news, after changing viscose coupling and coolant, all seems ok. have just driven to Leeds and then back again 5 hours later (140 miles round trip approx) and all seems ok. Gauge was hitting 80-90 on the motorway. When I arrived at Leeds I let her tick over for a while and temp went no higher than 100!.....looks like that has solved that issue and yes car is noisier.

I have also ordered a cooling harness from Jim Forgione

Just need to sort those 2 x aux fans now!

By the way the Air Con does not work, gas is out and it needs specking to the new gas. The fans wouldnt be effected because theres not enough gas in the system to operate the air con would it, I shouldnt think so, but thats another job I need to get done, obvioulsy the old/original system ran on R12

Did take the car in to a local compnay and they said just a valve or two........any comments/advice would be appreciatted

and thanks everybody for all the advice so far


Go to that place in Cambridge I mentioned and aslong as you have no leaks then you wont need to alter it for the new gas.

It's not 134A and not R12 but a gas which works with either system apparently. I was sceptical at first but mine has worked fine for the past 2 years with it.

Great news it's running right!

Did another long run on Friday and all still seems well. Temp gauge had not gone a flicker over 100, even when stood still. Just need to sort the aux fans now which as I mentioned before only came on when I tapped the fans!

Anyone know how to get these out/off?


Forgot to mention that this new vis coup sounds like its on all the time!!??
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I think it is the 4 screws in each corner and then the motor assembly comes out. The pipework should move out of the way enough if you unbolt it I would imagine.

I haven't seen a picture of your interior but it should have just 1 rotary dial on the left and then low, auto and high speed fan switches on the right?

As for the rest of the fuses, i've never had to look in this area so I use the if it's not broken, don't fix it style of maintenance :p .

I've been here....


In Karachi since June so it's a bit out of arms reach i'm afraid.

I am back on the 10th of September so will try to remember to have a look then.

Parts for cooling system then........

Now I have replaced the fan clutch and the car is running 80-90, I want to replace the following parts. Is there anything else I should consider changing?

I would be interested in members letting me know genuine Parts Numbers if you know them and associatted costs?:

Part Part Number Cost?



All 6 hoses for cooling system

Water Pump

2 x aux fans


Clear front indicators

UK Spec Lenses for headlamps

2 x pumps for Water Resevoir

cheers chaps


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