Arrogant...steady on. I was merely agreeing with MJ...the use of the word all was not (obviously) all encompassing...but descriptive of a general attitude. As opposed to a general attitude in, say, France. Again...they don't all move over, but generally do.
It was all going so well.
I miss read your post and its context, thank you for explaining it, but I disagree with it.
I've found people generally do move over here too.
As sited, often on an A road, you will see a slower moving car do a left signal, move over and let you through, and on a motorway, people if in the middle lane, will tend to move back to lane 1 once you pass them in lane 3 and return to lane 1.
I suspect 80mph would pose no issues at all, and higher limits on quiet sections with clear weather, again, no issue as volumes of traffic would be low.
Attitdues would be forced to change with a higher limit, our low limits have brought these lazy scruffy driving habits on. The Germans, it would be argued, might have the better lane control, because of the lack of limits forcing the issue of fast outside lane traffic onto the roads and as such, the need for very good rearward observation.
I can think of several sections of the M74 where a ton would pose no issues at certain times of day.