Yes do. And realise that it is already bad enough being funnelled through Marykirk (substandard B-roads linking farms) when it all goes pear shaped. Raising limits cannot lessen the incidence of accidents or the severity of them. Even if the incidence and severity increased only fractionally, the added delays would all but wipe out the time savings from higher permitted peak speeds (the peak to average will be higher - the average speed not as great as might be expected).
Which then begs the question does the country function better when road travel is accomplished at a predictable but slightly lower speed, or with a possible higher speed but with an increased chance of delay? Something to ponder when sitting in an airport lounge having missed your flight...
I'm not blind to the usefulness of higher speed where and when possible - the M40 seems to be a case in point - and finding a method of permitting it (legally speaking) would be worth pursuing. How that can be achieved (with a lower limit when required) is surely a more pressing target than advocating an overall raising of limits, 24/7, all weathers? Can't variable, posted, limits achieve this?
Right, almost there.
Lets go back to post one.Look at the picture, its one of those variable jobs, my mate took it near Munich as I was driving along (obeying it would you believe)
Variable and adjustable limits, would you agree they could work on major routes.
I don't know how well you know the M42/M6 through Brum, I travelled on it enough to think a few things. Its a not a bad system and flow seems very consistant if very little speed differential but for large volumes, it works brilliantly....
I think the openning up the hardshoulder to traffic is not a good one, I know there are periodic refuge parts of the road, but in a nasty shunt ahead, emergency vehicle access would be hindered, as if there was a hard shoulder, they could use that?
I maybe did not word my post very well, but merely your bit in bold is the point I was making, plenty of quiet stretches (M40, M74 at times, M6 North, A1M from Scotch corner to York is often quiet and its very very high spec and just been done, drove it 5 weeks back, superb) where as you say, a higher speed would be useful.
Perhaps now, would be a good time to discuss the merits of if we keep the 70 limit, and never were to raise it, to lowering some non motorway DCW limits, so that would make more sense and reflect a greater risk to the public than doing 70 on an MWay.
You clearly know the North East well, what do you think about the 50mph limit for the turn of to St Cyrus on the A90? Do you think its a good idea, I do, given the number of risks there. Do you think redesigning the junction and carriageways there been of even greater benefit, like they did with the Ballinluig turn off the A9?