Decades of ingrained habit.
Driving is something you learn to do at a certain age, 17 here, 18 there. New habits could be tought very quickly....
Achieve that first then.
Do the math....You'll be raising the power and fuel usage by squares and cubes. Significant then.
Trying to stay within the forum rules here for debate, but I get your point, but we used to trade for oil peacefully and did not send people to be killed for other peoples conflict....
I think we could get back to those days, do you?
The above is nothing but blind hope. The reality is entirely different and not easily changed.
When it is very foggy, drivers see other cars with dipped headlights on - and still cannot figure out that they too should have lights on. There is but one obvious outcome in bearing down on them at speed - tailgating.
I try and see the good in people, and maybe with a higher limit they'd act more responsibly, if it can work for other countries, I struggle to see why it wouldn't work here.
The French have a two tier limit, one is set at 130kph for dry, the other 100kph for rain.
Another point, our DCWs have a 70 limit for cars, as do motorways, but as you know DCWs have side joinings (take the A90 stretch from Dundee to Aberdeen) and you will see many farm traffic joining the DCW. There is no hard shoulder, the lanes are narrower and yet it has the same limit as the M74 and A74M which have none of this additional risks....
Do you know the A82 DCW between Clydebank and Dumbarton, 70 limit, tighter bends, narrower lanes, few houses with driveways onto the road, its got the same limit as a motorway, it does not make sense.
Why then should the road with the lesser risk carry the same limit as that of the higher one, or should DCWs carry a lower limit of 65mph to reflect a great risk than motorways, but a lesser one than normal A roads?
These sort of statistics require wider discussion... the safest method of travel known to mankind is I believe trains. Perhaps we should concentrate our efforts in building more railways and bigger and faster trains - then subsidise the fares to make them significantly cheaper than travelling by car?
Aircraft IIRC....
But keeping the topic within the roads network....
Agree on principle, trains are great and we need a faster one that does Glasgow/Edinburgh to London in 2hrs30 or under.